‘GH’ Spoilers: Ric’s Two-Timing Blows Up In His Face — And Ava Will Make Him And Elizabeth Pay

General Hospital Spoilers: Ric's Two-Timing Blows Up In His Face — And Ava Will Make Him And Elizabeth Pay

General Hospital Spoilers report Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) is the type of guy who wants to have his cake and eat it too.

He’s always been that way, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that this tiger hasn’t changed his stripes.

Ric was taken by the very thought of getting close to Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) again when he came back to town, but she made it abundantly clear that he would never get that chance.

For some reason, he’s not backing down. At the same time, he’s been barking up Ava Jerome’s (Maura West) tree — and climbing into her bed. At some point, these two women are bound to put their heads together. Will they unite against Ric, or end up fighting each other for him?

Old Flames Fizzle

Ric has been intent on earning his way back into Elizabeth’s heart — or at least back into her bed. So far, he’s striking out, but Elizabeth hasn’t completely ousted him from her life.

In fact, from the first day that Ric set foot back onto hospital grounds, he was vying for Elizabeth’s attention and trust, and she didn’t necessarily withhold it.

Now, she’s relying on him for favors — the kind that could get her into serious hot water and leave her beholden to him if she wants him to keep her secrets.

Nevertheless, we have a feeling Ric is going to see the writing on the wall sooner and later — that Elizabeth has always and will always love Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson).

New Sparks Fly

Meanwhile, Ric is barely trying to start something with Ava and their relationship has taken on a life of itself. Snowballing from one dramatic moment to the next, Ava hasn’t minded accepting any attention that Ric will throw her way.

If we’re being honest here, it’s obvious that she’s a bit more into him than he is into her, but that’s likely because he’s got Elizabeth on his brain, as well as his vendetta against his brother — which he’s been using Ava to indulge.

Will a relationship transpire between these two with the custody case out of the way, or will the loss of tension leave Ric chasing Elizabeth instead?

Ava Won’t Take This Lying Down

Ric is wooing Ava every chance that he gets — luring her in just before he’s ready to chew her up and spit her out. Ava clearly doesn’t see the end in sight, but Ric is already trying to cozy up to his ex-wife, Elizabeth, once again.

His affections for her seem to have remained all of these years, and that’s something that Ava just can’t compete with. But she’ll keep him company in the meantime to stem the pain of his lonely heart. Ava certainly isn’t going to appreciate finding out that’s all she was.

Will the Jerome gallerista make plans to exact revenge on Ric for using her and taking advantage of her lonely heart? Will she let it ride that Elizabeth turned Ric’s head away from her? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

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