GH Spoilers: Carly Refuses To Stay Away From Jack Brennan, Despite The Danger

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Refuses To Stay Away From Jack Brennan, Despite The DangerCarly Spencer (Laura Wright) has never been one to let a little danger get in her way. She does what she wants to, when she wants to and tends to ignore all warnings from those that love her the most.

Her brother, Lucas Jones (Van Hansis) recently suggested that she date someone nice and boring, like a dentist, and she scoffed at the idea. She needs a man with an edge even if it could cost her life.

Carly Nearly Died After Spending Time In Jack’s Room

After months of doing the dance, Carly finally had sex with Jack Brennan (Chris McKenna), and not even an hour later she drank poisoned champagne intended for him.

Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) left the bottle on the cart in the hallway and Carly, basking in the afterglow, drank a glass before Jack got out of the shower.

By the time she began to drink a second glass, she collapsed in his arms from Polonium poisoning.

Waking up in General Hospital after a near-death experience may make some people rethink their choices, but not Carly. She has been warned about Jack by everyone who has visited.

His work as head of the WSB means that he has enemies all over the world who would like nothing more than to see him dead, and as long as Carly is with him, that potentially makes her collateral damage. Every time this has been mentioned to her, she insists that nothing is Jack’s fault.

Jason Has Warned Jack And Carly Both To Stay Away From Each Other

Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) will always protect Carly and so he, of course, had a chat with Brennan and warned him to stay away from her. He also demanded that Carly end whatever this relationship with Jack is.

She seems to have forgotten that she has children who are relying on her, not to mention her son, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), who is recovering in a German burn clinic.

Still, Carly is going to do whatever she pleases and in this instance, she will be inclined to run towards the danger rather than away from Jack Brennan. What do you think that Carly’s next move will be? Can she do the responsible thing and avoid Jack?

Check back right here for more General Hospital spoilers.

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