Gabby Petito Seen In Sweet Throwback Photo Shared By Her Dad

Gabby Petito - Joseph Petito - Instagram

Gabby Petito was a beautiful child and a young adult when she died, and this week, her dad, Joseph Petito posted a sweet throwback pic on social media. Read on to see it, and find out what the occasion was.

The Sweet Throwback 

On March 20, Joseph posted a picture on Instagram. It showed Gabby as a young child, sitting on his lap with her mother. In his caption, he said, “Happy Birthday Gabby. We love and miss you everyday. Keep showing us the signs. #Forever22.” Of course, the picture reminded many people of the tragic loss of such a lovely young person.

A Sweet Throwback Pic Of Gabby Petito - Joseph Petito - Instagram
A Sweet Throwback Pic Of Gabby – Joseph Petito – Instagram

The story of Gabby got international attention as the authorities and other investigators tried to piece together what happened. The young vlogger was traveling across the country with her fiancé, Brian Laundrie when she disappeared. She was last seen alive on August 24, leaving a hotel with Brian, after they began their trip in July.

The Tragedy Played Out Slowly

Sometime in August 2021, Gabby disappeared. Brian returned home without her and refused to cooperate with the police. But later, on September 14, Brian left his parents’ home, saying he was going for a hike. And, he never returned. Many people believed his mom helped him to flee.

The FBI later stated that Brian Laundrie was responsible for Gabby Petito’s death. The conclusion was based on a written confession found in his notebook. Shared by FOX, people saw that he wrote, “I ended her life,” and “I thought it was merciful, that it is what she wanted, but I see now all the mistakes I made. I panicked. I was in shock.” Allegedly, Gabby injured herself when she took a bad fall.

The Aftermath 

Brian Laundrie’s remains were later found in an area officers had already searched, and it is believed that he took his own life. Following that, legal disputes arose between his parents and Gabby’s family. Since then, a foundation has been established in Gabby’s name, and Joseph Petito and his wife now work to protect other women.

In late 2022, another vulnerable person died. When Joseph found out about the death of Kiely Rodni, he paid tribute to her. Many followers love that his daughter’s death at least has some meaning and helps to protect others. Still, each year, the birthday post seems bittersweet. 

Followers React To Birthday Post

The March 20 post found a lot of comments from those who follow Joseph. One of them wrote, “Keeping you all present in my thoughts today. Happy Birthday, Gabby!” Other comments arrived including, “Wow, I was thinking of her more than I have lately and didn’t know it was her birthday. What a special angel she will always be. sending lots of love.”

Are you glad that in death, Gabby Petito’s life has meaning? But, do you agree that the birthday posts are so very bittersweet? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here often for all your crime news and updates

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