This Princess Kate Situation Made Prince William ANGRY

This Princess Kate Situation Made Prince William ANGRYRemember a few weeks back when the world went crazy with the speculations of what happened and didn’t happen to the Princess of Wales? Well, if you must know, while we had our fun with our wild and frankly, in some cases, very rude guesses, she and those closest to her weren’t resting at ease due to all the wild conspiracy theories.

The frenzy has died down now, thankfully, and it seems the Royal Family feel like they’re threading on ice trying their best to make sure nothing reincarnates that madness again. It got so the Princess of Wales started posting completely unedited pictures of her children, like not even a filter in sight.

Source Says Prince William Was “Upset” He Couldn’t Manage The Princess Kate Conspiracy Theories

At the height of the rumors, several royal experts criticized the Royal Family for what they felt was a poor way of addressing the global rumors.

I mean, rumors of the Princess of Wales’ disappearance was already raging when the edited picture fiasco ignited an even bigger flame.

Well, William reportedly tried his best to manage the situation, and was “upset” he couldn’t do so, according to an ex-staffer speaking to PEOPLE.

When Kate’s medical records were breached, the Royal Family knew it was time to come forward with the reason the Princess of Wales has been largely out of the public eye since January. And like the Princess we know and love, she handled it with grace.

In a video message, she revealed the “huge shock” it was for her and her family when she learned she had cancer, but she also shared a message of hope that she will beat it.

In the same way, she threw support behind cancer patients worldwide, telling them they’re not alone in their struggles.

Supporting her through her treatment and recovery is her husband William, who did an incredible job holding the royal fort while the King was receiving his own cancer treatments. I think we can agree that it was a trying time for the Prince.

“William is strong-minded, stubborn sometimes. That, and his emphasis on family life, will give him the backbone and strength to get through this,” royal author Valentine Low told the publication.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Photo by – Deposit Photos

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