Seeking Sister Wife Spoilers: Did The Merrifields Fake The Wedding In Brazil For Ratings?

Seeking Sister Wife spoilers reveal that there is a lot of speculation that the Merrifields could have faked the wedding in Brazil just for ratings. There have been a lot of fans who have questioned Garrick Merrifield’s relationship with Nathalia. He flew out to Brazil and left his wife, Dannielle Merrifield to marry Nathalia. Little did he know, Dannielle was pregnant when he left. Now it looks as if there are plenty of viewers who feel that the entire Brazilian wedding was all faked. Let’s find out more.

Seeking Sister Wife  – Garrick Merrifield’s Trip To Brazil

When Garrick went to Brazil, his whole plan was to marry Nathalia. In the last episode of Seeking Sister Wife, he was packing up and getting ready to head to Brazil. Dannielle told Garrick that she wasn’t connecting with Nathalia and didn’t know if this was going to work.

Then, viewers saw her talking to him while he was in Brazil. She told him that she felt as if it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to go to the wedding since they don’t have quite the connection that he wants them to. Garrick seemed very uninterested in Dannielle’s opinion of Nathalia though.

Seeking Sister Wife Spoilers: Did The Merrifields Fake The Wedding In Brazil For Ratings?While Dannielle and Garrick talked on the phone, viewers began to wonder why there weren’t a lot of scenes of him and Nathali in Brazil.

Also, Nathalia was not on the FaceTime call with him even though the three of them were all supposed to be in this marriage together. None of this seems right and this is why viewers began to share their thoughts.

Seeking Sister Wife  – Redditors Speak Out

As soon as the episode aired, Redditors were quick to chime in on what they think about the Brazilian wedding.

One wrote, “They’ve recorded everything up until now, no idea why they would just leave out the most exciting part of the season so far. I feel like it’s just a storyline, he’s just in the garage talking to God while Dannielle is filming.”

Right now, there is so much speculation about the Merrifields and if Nathalia is even still with them. There are some viewers that think that Garrick is more interested in Nathalia than his wife. Could this be the reason that he is hiding his time in Brazil from viewers?

Would he rather be with Natahlia than be on the show? There are plenty of questions that hopefully will be answered on the next episode of Seeking Sister Wife.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Seeking Sister Wife right now. Come back here often for Seeking Sister Wife spoilers, news, and updates.

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