Royal Expert Dives In On King Charles’ Lack Of Relationship With Sussex Grandchildren

Royal Expert Dives In On King Charles' Lack Of Relationship With Sussex GrandchildrenThe years do fly by, don’t they? It feels so surreal that Lilibet is now three years old. But even more sad when you consider that she’s had very limited contacts with her grandfather King Charles.

But even as the young royal celebrates her third birthday, royal expert Phil Dampier says there’s an “underlying ssdness” that would likely mar the day when you consider that she’s rarely seen most members of her family.

Phil Dampier Says Royal Rift Costing King Charles Time With His Grandchildren

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle‘s rift with the Royal Family is a well-documented one, partly because the couple are ever ready to highlight all the ways they felt they were wronged in their short time with the institution as a married couple.

The “sad” consequence of this rift – like most rifts – is that Archie and Lilibet are growing up away from several members of their family.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Phil Dampier shared: “It is amazing that she’s already three but there is this underlying sadness of course because of the rift that the King is not seeing his grandchildren.”

He continued: “I think he’s only met Lilibet possibly once and Archie only a couple of times and they are seventh and eighth in line to the throne, growing up in California on the West Coast of America with American accents and they just don’t see them.”

Even sadder than the King Charles situation is Meghan Markle’s father’s, who hasn’t even seen any of the children since they were born. In fact, Thomas Markle is yet to even meet his son-in-law Prince Harry.

Relations between the Markle patriarch and the Sussexes soured when the former admitted to posing for paparazzi pictures in the lead-up to the couple’s 2018 wedding.

In 2021, Meghan would tell Oprah that her father’s “betrayal” is something she can’t yet reconcile herself with.

As for King Charles, Harry has accused him of inspiring “generational pain” with his parenting method, which does not allow for hugs and intimate moments when it truly matters. He also criticized the monarchy for the exposure to the media he struggled with while growing up.

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Editorial credit: Mircea Rosca /

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