GH Spoilers: Leak-Surprise Witness At Finn’s Hearing-Jeff Webber For The Prosecution?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers and rumors tease in a possible leak, that there will be a surprise witness for the prosecution at Hamilton Finn’s (Michael Easton) malpractice hearing.

The drop states his confidence in the outcome will be shaken when past indiscretions will become public knowledge, and his happiness with Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) is threatened.

General Hospital Spoilers – Jeff Webber Knows Things From Hamilton Finn’s Past

Elizabeth’s father, Jeff Webber (William R. Moses) could certainly fit into this category, as he knows things from Finn’s distant past with Doctors Without Borders.

Aside from the debacle with Elizabeth pushing Finn’s wife Reiko Finn (Mele Ihara) down the stairs, which was caused by Jeff’s indiscretion with Reiko there could be other things.

General Hospital Spoilers: Possible Leak-Surprise Witness At Finn’s Hearing-Jeff Webber For The Prosecution?Perhaps Reiko was cheating on Finn because Finn was cheating on Reiko-that could cause problems with Liz, but maybe there’s something worse from Finn’s past that Jeff knows-perhaps another patient death.

There could be another situation Jeff knows about from Finn’s past that could cause problems between Finn and Elizabeth-a coverup Finn might have perpetrated for a patient death.

What if the man in the photo with Reiko and Finn on his phone, Garrett (uncast) wasn’t a doctor and maybe died from a snake bite, but a patient of Finn’s?

GH Spoilers – Hamilton Finn Brought Up Garrett During The Hook Attacks

Finn had brought up Garrett during the Hook attacks, which were happening when Elizabeth was having the traumatic memories about Reiko coming up, he said he recognized the venom.

Then he said a doctor he and Reiko knew had died from the same venom and now he knew the antidote-back then there apparently wasn’t one.

There could have been a different scenario that happened, and Jeff knew about it firsthand-Garrett died from Finn having used an incorrect protocol, not because there wasn’t one.

Hearing this will put Elizabeth in a dilemma, because she doesn’t get along with her dad so she won’t know who to believe-but Jeff will have medical records as evidence!

General Hospital Spoilers – Another Secret Hidden And Lied About For Years?

Elizabeth, as well as the medical board of GH and the attorney representing him will think of this as a secret hidden and lied about for years.

It could be even worse than Finn’s past drug abuse, which was an addiction to a street drug Finn used to manage pain from Blackwoods’ Syndrome.

He later developed a cure but the credit was stolen by Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) so Finn isn’t even the inventor of record.

Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy) is representing the widow of Dennis Muldoon (uncast) who filed the malpractice suit, and nothing personal, but she’ll bring up the drug abuse.

GH already knew about that but Jeff’s testimony about Garrett could be particularly damning, because there’s no one alive who could testify any differently for Finn!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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