GH Spoilers Friday, June 7: Peace Preferred, Disturbing Family Decisions, Drunken Dating!

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Friday, June 7 tease peace preferred, disturbing family decisions and drunken dating! Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) prefers peace, Harrison and Brook Lynn Chase (Josh Swickard, Amanda Setton) discuss disturbing family decisions, and Hamilton Finn’s (Michael Easton) on a drunken date!

General Hospital Spoilers – Peace Preferred

At the Metro Court Pool, Nina tells Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) she’s certainly on board for more peace! Mother and daughter have just re-entered a tenuous relationship with each other after being at odds for months.

It seems like they’re on their way to making amends and forgiveness for Nina’s past mistakes, which made her life a dumpster fire.

GH Spoilers Friday, June 7: Peace Preferred, Disturbing Family Decisions, Drunken Dating!Hopefully, this trend will continue as Nina prefers peace in her life and between herself and everyone else. This conversation is a very good start.

GH Spoilers – Drew Cain The Peacemaker

Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) also at the pool, chimes in with he will take that as a compliment. Drew has been a big part of mending fences between Nina and Willow, since Willow figures if Drew could forgive Nina then she can too.

Drew will likely continue playing the peacemaker, especially since he’s planning a political career. Nina was responsible for his meeting Congressman Larry McConkey (Sam McMurray) who was close friends with her father-if it had not been for her Drew wouldn’t have this opportunity.

General Hospital Spoilers – Dex Heller Issues An Invitation

Also at the pool, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) issues an invitation as Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) smiles. He tells her some things are best left forgotten, and it sounds like the invitation is for her. She broke up with him romantically but didn’t stop being friends, and it sounds like he’s trying to get back together.

Will Joss say yes to Dex’s invitation, or will she say no-she certainly looks receptive. Maybe at least they’ll talk things out, since circumstances have changed!

GH Spoilers – Disturbing Family Decisions

At home, Chase and Brook Lynn discuss disturbing family decisions that must be made to protect Violet Finn (Jophielle Love). They discuss should Violet live with them as her father, Finn, appears to be spiraling?

Chase caught Finn drinking at the pool but Finn doesn’t know he did-Brook Lynn’s worried for Violet if Finn continues on a self-destructive path as how it would affect her. Now the worry is how to put their plan in place without Violet and Finn both hating them!

General Hospital Spoilers – Jake Webber Sees Something Shocking

At the hospital, Jake Webber (Hudson West) sees something shocking and gets his mother, Elizabeth Baldwin’s (Rebecca Herbst) attention. She looks worried as he comes up behind her and says he didn’t want to tell her, but he has to, right? Finn’s already engaging in self-destructive as well as relationship-destructive behavior.

Did Jake see Finn doing something in a similar manner to Chase after the memorial? Or did Jake see something even worse?

GH Spoilers – Drunken Dating

In the meantime, Finn is at a bar with Barb (Devon Odgen) drunken dating as they toast with shots. Whether they know each other or this is just a pickup is yet to be revealed. Finn is already quite inebriated as he tells her “let’s take care of business.”

It looks like maybe Jake somehow saw what was happening and perhaps he sees them leave together-Elizabeth is in for a shock!  

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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