Anna Duggar Gets Hate After Tweet About Donald Trump

Duggar Family News: Anna Duggar Gets Hate After Tweet About Donald TrumpDuggar Family News reveals that Anna Duggar has started to get some hate now that she is back on Twitter.

When Josh Duggar, Anna’s husband, was arrested for possession of child pornography, Anna pretty much disappeared. She came back to Twitter and after her post, her followers began to throw shade her way. Let’s find out more about what she posted and what her fans think.

Duggar Family News – Anna Duggar Speaks Out About Donald Trump

This week, the verdict was released regarding Donald Trump. After reading her post, it was clear that the verdict didn’t go how she wanted it to.

The Duggars are known for being diehard Republicans and Anna and Josh did vote for Trump during the last election. This is something that they do not hide and after seeing her tweet, she is getting even more hate.

Anna’s post read, “Who knew it only took twelve votes to prematurely deliver the win for a presidential election?1? #TrumpHasWon.” As soon as she shared this, the trolls began to hit her hard.

One of her followers wrote, “I guess you’re an expert on married men paying hush money to porn stars.” Another pointed out that her husband was a felon and they sarcastically said it was a blessing for her to have Josh.

Duggar Family News – The Ashley Madison Scandal

Recently, a docu-series about the Ashley Madison scandal was releasezd and Josh’s name was mentioned in it, as well as other celebrities that used the service to cheat on their spouses.

When Josh was working in Washington D.C., a woman filed a claim against him for sexually assaulting her. They met on Ashley Madison and even though he was married and admitted to being on the service, Anna always stood by him.

Her fans have felt that she is a good wife for doing so, but she has gotten a lot of hate for supporting him as well.

Anna took time off of social media because of her husband’s charges and it looks as if she may not post again after getting so much hate for the Trump post. We will keep an eye on her to see if she posts again or if this was it for her.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Duggar Family News right now. Come back here often for Duggar Family News spoilers, news, and updates.

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