‘1000-Lb Best Friends’ Fans Want Vannessa Cross To Be The New ‘MBFFL’

Vannessa Cross - 1000-Lb Best Friends - TLC - YouTube

The 1000-Lb Best Friends stars Meghan Crumpler and Ashely Sutton are no longer friends with Vannessa Cross. So, TLC fans want Vannessa to get her own show and become the next My Big Fat Fabulous Life crossover. Read on to find out more.

Vannessa Cross Worked Hard & Fans Adore Her

Initially, the TLC star seemed disinterested in putting in the hard yards to lose weight. But as time went by, she became extremely motivated. These days, 1000-Lb Best Friends fans see that she’s the only cast member who seems inspiring. So, when she suffered a setback recently with her gastric surgery, many people cheered he on because they cared. 

What Vannessa Cross does matters to TLC fans because she adds value to the show and to the lives of those who watch her. Meanwhile, with Ashley and Meghan, it seems they can’t even be bothered to stick with the premise of the show, which is being “best friends.” In Season 3 of 1000-Lb Best Friends, they declared that they don’t even want to be friends with the only successful cast member. As Vannessa did so well and could use skin removal surgery, they come over as jealous and petulant.  

My Big Fat Fabulous Styled Show For Vannessa

Who springs to mind when it comes to weight problems, jealousy, and petulance? Of course, TLC fans mostly immediately think of Whitney Way Thore. So, some 1000-Lb Best Friends viewers would like to see a show like My Big Fat Fabulous Life for Vannessa.

1000-Lb Best Friends Discussion On A Show For Vannessa Cross - Reddit
1000-Lb Best Friends Discussion On A Show For Vannessa Cross – Reddit

On Reddit, 1000-Lb Best Friends fan u/Lv2draw1962 expressed their irritation over Meghan Crumpler and Ashely Sutton and demanded a show for Vanessa. In their caption this week, they wrote:

Can I just say what we are thinking?
Let’s have a Vanessa show! I want to watch her make meals, work out, befriend new people that she can help on this journey and finally have the skin surgery. I am sure many of you, like me use these shows for motivation and Van motivates me big time! Let’s lose the whiners, complainers, and mean girls. They do not desire to change and their jealousy is unmerited. Vanessa has done the work and it shows us their small little minds how they reacted to it.

In the discussion that followed, TLC fans agreed that the show is toxic and Vannessa Cross is the only person worth watching. And, some of them suggest she gets a show to replace My Big Fat Fabulous Life.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life & Other Discussion Points

One TLC fan immediately wrote, “Maybe her show could be what My big fat fabulous life should have been…” And, that picked up some upvotes and comments in agreement.

Things turn ugly On 1000-Lb Best Friends - TLC - YouTube
Things turn ugly on 1000-Lb Best Friends – TLC – YouTube

Other 1000-Lb Best Friends fans also chimed in with their thoughts:

  • I’m with you. Poor sweet Vanessa has had a hard enough life, I don’t wanna watch these bitches make her feel bad anymore. Push her buttons so hard then cry when she lashes out. Forget that. Let’s watch her blossom and spread her sunshine!!
  • Vanessa is the star pupil. I follow her on IG. She is a Georgia peach and awesome. I believe she is inspiring people!
  • Vanessa was my inspiration to lose weight. Watching the show a year ago and seeing her work on herself made me want to do the same.

What are your thoughts on Vannessa Cross getting her own show? Could she be the next My Big Fat Fabulous Life role model for those who want some inspiration? Do you agree that Meghan Crumpler and Ashely Sutton have broken the premise of the show by not wanting to be friends? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your 1000-Lb Best Friends news, updates, and spoilers

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