Samantha Markle Claims She Is A Worse Victim Than Prince Harry

Samantha Markle Claims She Is A Worse Victim Than Prince HarryCould this be a case of pot meet kettle? Maybe. Meghan Markle’s estranged half sister Samantha Markle, who she hasn’t spoken to in a very, very long time, suggests that she might be an even bigger victim than the brother-in-law that she’s never met, Prince Harry. Samantha made her comments while she was asked about the Duke of Sussex’s lawsuit against the British tabloid media. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Samantha Markle Claims She Is A Worse Victim Than Prince Harry

According to reports, Harry has taken the witness stand to answer questions about his lawsuit against the Mirror Group Newspaper.

He claims that various journalists, editors and correspondents used both illegal and unlawful ways to obtain information about his private life over the years.

But Samantha Markle for some reason thinks that she’s in a much worse position than Harry just because he and Meghan Markle have shared so much supposed “false information” about her and the Markles over the years.

In an interview with GB News, she even said, “In my opinion he is a purveyor of disinformation, so for him to say he’s the victim – what about the attacks on the royal family and my family?”

Fortunately for the Duke of Sussex, it seems like there aren’t many people out there who are taking anything that Samantha Markle has to say very seriously.

Some have taken to Twitter to comment on her interview with, “Why in the name of anything holy would anyone give that jealous, vile, hate-filled grifter a platform?

Maybe she should go take care of her children who hate her,” along with, “I think Harry and Meghan doing all those ‘spill the beans’ interviews and Harry’s book were wrong, but what on earth does this one Samantha Markle know about anything!? She’s not British, she’s been estranged from Meghan for years, she’s never met Harry, she appears jealous.”

Royal Family News – Is Samantha Markle Jealous?

Another critic wrote, “No they did not drag Samantha into this. Someone who had never laid eyes on Harry. You people are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.”

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