Prince George Already Has A Very Stressful Childhood

It’s not easy being a ten-year-old kid, let alone a kid who knows he is going to one day be the future king of England.

And that’s exactly the kind of burden that Prince George has to deal with as there’s a new report that suggests he is already having a very stressful childhood. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince George Already Has A Very Stressful Childhood

According to royal critic Daniela Elser, she believes that Prince William and Kate Middleton’s eldest son is already dealing with an overwhelming and oppressive future.

Because of social media and the British media in general, Prince George is going to be under an incredible amount of scrutiny and more so than his father or even his uncle, Prince Harry.

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She even put it this way, “William and Kate might do so through gritted teeth and with plenty of reservations, what with their obsession for the amorphous concept of a ‘normal’ family life, but at the end of the day the monarchy’s number one goal is survival. Survival that could mean three kids who might end up being shunted out the front door for events, tours and rope lines with greater regularity than anyone, their parents included, might have hoped.”

Prince George’s Life Is Already Under A Lot Of Stress

Elser continued, “Survival that means the weight of responsibility on George’s shoulders is already such that it would make a well-rounded adult want to hide under the doona for a bit. George’s life will be a grand and historic one, one that will, if he wants, allow him to play a part in history, diplomacy and in impacting the sales of commemorative tea towels.

Because what comes next is a can-never-quit job that will be, to my mind anyway, onerous, overwhelming and oppressive. And there are no number of Rembrandts that can truly make up for that.”

Of course, Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter but Kate Middleton has always stressed that she wants all of her children to grow up with a childhood that is as normal as possible. That’s because they perhaps have no idea what might be ahead of them once they become full-time working royals.

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Editorial credit: Lorna Roberts /

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