Mama June Spoilers: Proof That The New Season Is Being Filmed Right Now, Who Leaked The Hints?

Mama June spoilers reveal that after watching this season of the show, fans just can’t help but want more. In fact, they have been trying their best to find hints online that the show could be filming once again. However, some fans spotted the biggest hint of them all. There is one cast member that let the cat out of the bag and admitted that many of the cast members are currently filming for the new season. Who was it and what did they say about a new season? Let’s take a deeper look.

Mama June Spoilers – Who Confirmed Filming?

During a Live stream, Pumpkin Efird let it slip that her family is now filming for the next season of the show. As much as fans tried to get a screen grab of it, they were not successful.

However, they did note that they watched it Live and took to Reddit to explain what they heard Pumpkin say. This fan also mentioned that Pumpkin was Live with June Shannon and they were both openly talking about filming.

Mama June

There is also some speculation that the new season of the show is following Anna Cardwell’s cancer battle. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer this spring and it looks as if she hasn’t gotten any better.

In fact, June mentioned that at this point, it is terminal. Of course, Reddit lit up like a Christmas tree when the fan shared what they had heard on the Live stream.

Mama June Spoilers – Redditors Speculate

When Redditors began to chat about Mama June: Family Crisis filming, they all had their own theories.

One fan wrote, “I do NOT have a screen record but June went Live on Saturday while getting ready for a family member’s wedding. She literally sat there the whole time texting and ignoring the chat, barely talking at all. There was no point for her to be on Live while she got her hair done! However, Pumpkin called and she said, “What are y’all doing, are y’all filming?” They are 100% filming the new season right now. I really think that they are going to go into the Anna story line a lot even if Anna doesn’t want to film. I tried to ask a question about it and Justin’s obvious drug use but a mod warned me and then I asked what a warning was and that they obviously are all still on drugs and I was muted. Why is it such a secret that they are filming? Why can’t they just say yes we are filming another season?”

Most Redditors felt like it was horrible that have let Anna’s cancer battle become the cliffhanger of this season. We will continue to keep an eye on the new season and any changes for the women.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Mama June right now. Come back here often for all the Mama June’s spoilers, news, and updates.

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