GH Spoilers: Austin’s Word Of Caution Turns Laura’s Head In Ava’s Direction — What Does Ava Know That Laura Doesn’t?

General Hospital: Austin Gatlin Holt (Roger Howarth)General Hospital (GH) spoilers exclaim viewers will be intrigued as Austin Gatlin Holt (Roger Howarth) unexpectedly cautions Laura Collins (Genie Francis) about her impending journey to Russia. Despite their minimal interaction, Austin feels compelled to share his reservations, leaving Laura puzzled about his motives.

As she becomes more aware of his friendship with Ava Jerome (Maura West), Laura might turn her head in that direction, wondering whether Ava is harboring some information about Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) that she has yet to share. With her travel plans set alongside Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom), Laura is determined to find Nikolas. However, Austin’s intervention raises questions that might alter her course and leave her wondering what he might know that she doesn’t.

General Hospital Spoilers — Austin Gatlin Holt And Ava Jerome Make Quite The Manipulative Pair

As Laura ponders the reasons behind Austin’s apprehensions, it becomes apparent that there might be more to his warning than meets the eye. He may think he’s much cooler and calmer than Ava, and thus saw an opportunity to manipulate the situation and took it out from under Ava, but Austin may have inadvertently put his foot in his mouth.

Laura is no fool, and she’s not about to be played by some doctor who thinks he knows her family circumstances better than she does. Laura has heard Ava and Austin have been seen slinking around together, and it’s not a stretch to think Ava has sought the company of a male companion since her divorce. Laura considered it none of her business, but Austin might change that as she comes to question whether Austin is trying to prevent her from taking this trip because it’s what Ava wants — and if that’s the case, why?

GH Spoilers – Indicate Austin Gatlin Holt May Not Be Wrong

Austin might be attempting to manipulate Laura’s emotions by questioning the likelihood of finding Nikolas or even suggesting that the entire trip could be an elaborate trap orchestrated by Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy). In doing so, the good doctor will plant seeds of doubt in Laura’s mind, making her question the true nature of her pursuit. His calculated move against the Mayor won’t be appreciated, although he’ll never know it by Laura’s demeanor. That being said, Austin raises a valid point. Just because he might have an agenda in saying so doesn’t mean this couldn’t be a scheme, doctored up by Victor to bring harm to his family in the wake of his death.

General Hospital Spoilers — Nikolas Cassadine Is In Hiding

Rumors suggest that Laura’s search for her son in Russia will ultimately prove futile. Mason Gatlin (Nathanyael Grey) may have held vigil by Nikolas’ bedside until he recovered, and that might have been all Victor’s doing. Nikolas could be moving on with his life outside of Port Charles, knowing he can’t go back there without risking being arrested. However, word on the street is that Laura and the gang will find evidence in the property in Chechnya that someone had been there — and recently. This doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a quick trip, but rather one that could lead them through a landmine of dangerous territories in a war-torn nation on a hunt for a man whom Ava believes she killed. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just around the corner.

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