B&B Spoilers: Steffy And Li Have A Problem – Liam Makes His Feelings Clear

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers document that Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Li Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) are outraged that Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) spit in the face of justice. The two women who believe they are the most important in John Finn Finnegan’s (Tanner Novlan) life also have a deeper problem.

Viewers witnessed Finn drop his medicine bag and hug Sheila in the prison visitor’s room. A day later he was not in scrubs but a suit. His courthouse attire was captured on the video Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) captured and then shared with Steffy.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Sheila Carter’s Maternal Bond Overrides Logic

Steffy and Li had countless conversations with Finn. All were impassioned and let him know how much they feared and detested his birth mother.

The Bold And The Beautiful: Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood)

Finn was shot by Sheila, though she was not aiming for him. Brown’s character took two shots at her daughter-in-law. The second hit Steffy within the same close range that Finn was struck.

Due to the magic of soap and Sheila’s bad aim, Finn and Steffy were not hit in areas of their bodies where mortality would have resulted in impact. But the incident Sheila considers the most horrific of her life is overridden by the maternal bond Finn told her he has been missing his entire life.

B&B Spoilers – Li Finnegan Can Not Allow Nemesis To Win

Li did not stand by when Finn’s life was endangered. As devoted fans recall, she was on call the night Finn was rushed to the hospital where she happened to be on duty.

Matsuda’s character saved her adopted son’s life. She then faked a death certificate, somehow moved him to wherever she was living, and cared for him over many weeks.

Sheila located Li’s location, heard a noise that was Finn, pushed her way in, and the next crimes on this infamous villain’s rap sheet occurred.

Li can not allow the woman, who ran her off a bridge nearly to her watery death, to attack the man she thinks of as her son. Plus, Hayes Forrester Finnegan (Iliana and Vienna Norris) must be protected.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Liam Spencer Loves Steffy Forrester Finnegan

Liam was open about his feelings. He told Steffy that she can not count on Finn to defend herself and the children from Sheila. Liam also said that he loves Steffy, while also adding that he knows they are not together.

Steffy does not want to believe this unexpected problem exists. But the video Liam provided represents incontrovertible evidence.

The next step is to confront Finn, with the hope that doing so will break the hold Sheila has established on B&B.

This site is a leading source for everything linked to The Bold and the Beautiful. Check back regularly for B&B spoilers and news!

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