B&B Spoilers: A Romantic Time For Thomas And Hope

The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers for Friday, September 22, 2023, reveal Douglas getting closer to all his dreams coming true.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Douglas Forrester’s Dream Come True

Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) is most certainly enjoying her newfound freedom from Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) and her newfound sex life with Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson).

However, she has insisted that she is not in love with Thomas and that she is not sure if she ever will be.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: A Romantic Time For Thomas And HopeThat doesn’t mean that Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) will accept his parents not being together. With Liam out of the way, the path seems clear.

To that end, Douglas prepares a romantic dinner for his parents and Hope decides to just enjoy it and enjoy Thomas’s affections. He tells her he loves her once again, but he gets that Hope is just not there yet.

However, Hope is now getting to know what it feels like to be with a man who loves her and only her, and she is enjoying it more every single day. Will she realize she actually is in love with Thomas sooner rather than later?

B&B Spoilers – A Curveball For Deacon Sharpe And Sheila Carter

It was a close call when Hope stopped by to see her dad and Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) had to hide once again.

Deacon Sharpe (Sean Kanan) couldn’t handle the idea of Hope knowing he had been shacking up with Sheila off and on for over a year despite him falling more and more in love with the crazy woman every day.

After a good talk with Hope, Deacon’s relationship with Sheila is set to take a serious turn. Sheila was packing up her things to leave when Hope started knocking on the door but maybe Deacon won’t want her to leave once Hope is gone.

Deacon just can’t seem to help his feelings for Sheila just as Hope can’t help her feelings for Thomas.

Yes, Sheila and Thomas are not remotely the same level of bad but this could be a case of like father, like daughter.

Is Sheila about to become the luckiest woman in the world once again? Stay tuned to The Bold and the Beautiful weekdays to see how these stories play out.

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