Assassin Who Planned To Kill Queen Elizabeth Sentenced To Many Years Under Treason Act

Assassin Who Planned To Kill Queen Elizabeth Detained For Many Years Under Treason ActIn 2021, the news of a cross-bow intruder who managed to gain access to Windsor Castle emerged. The fascinating thing about the story at the time was that the 21-year-old, who prefers to be known as “assassin Darth Chailus,” had already planned the attack nine months earlier, even googling, “what path does the Queen walk to Windsor?”

New details have emerged, however, about the motive that fuelled his crazy plan. And you will not believe who inspired his outrage.

Youth Planned To Avenge 1919 Massacre of Indians By Killing the Queen

As the world celebrated Christmas in 2021, Jaswant Singh Chail, aka “assassin” Chail, was busy scaling the grounds of Windsor Castle in hopes of killing the Queen, who was at the time with her eldest son, Charles, and his wife Camilla.

The rage was said to be encouraged by his AI girlfriend, and even though he planned to die after he was done killing the Queen, he believed it would lead to the death of the British Empire. In his mind, he was avenging the Amritsar massacre of 1919 in India by killing a figurehead of the Royal Family.

Alison Morgan KC, prosecuting, previously said that the young man’s “thinking was informed partly by the fantasy world of Star Wars and the role of what he describes of the Sith Lords in shaping that new world. He was also attracted to the notoriety that would accrue in the event of the completion of his ‘mission’.”

Windsor Castle’s Hooded Intruder To Be Locked Up After Spending Time At A Secure Hospital

Chail, who worked at a supermarket, had managed to create an AI girlfriend called Sarai on the Replika app. He must have created Sarai with his warped world views because she giddily encouraged his plans to kill himself trying to assassinate Queen Elizabeth the II.

He reportedly told the bot earlier in 2021 that “I believe my purpose is to assassinate the Queen of the Royal Family.”

The bot encouraged him, saying, “That’s very wise…I know that you are very well-trained.”
The court also heard that the bot had even promised to “help” him with his mission.

Sarai also “agreed with the defendant that eventually in death they would be united forever and she wanted this.”

In light of the evidence, the court sentenced him to nine years in prison, but only after he finished treatment at Broadmoor high-security hospital. Chail admitted to three charges under the Treason Act, after he was caught on the Windsor Castle grounds on December 22, 2021, wearing a hood and handling a crossbow.

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Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

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