Josh Duggar Pics With Kids Amid Porn Scandal Spark Concern: Did Reality TV Star Break Law?!

Josh DuggarJosh Duggar currently awaits his sentencing hearing after guilty verdicts in his child pornography trial. But while the “19 Kids And Counting” alum sits in jail, new questions arise about his pre-trial actions. And those concerns stem from the delay between the initial federal raid on Josh’s office and his actual conviction. 

Learn why some now believe that Josh may actually have broken the law during his time out on bail. And see why those concerns seem particularly horrifying in light of the link between Duggar’s actions and his child porn scandal. Get the full details below to see what you think about another scandal linked to Josh Duggar!

Josh Duggar’s Time Out On Bail Resulted In Illegal Action?!

“19 Kids And Counting” patriarch Jim Bob and matriarch Michelle Duggar have learned that when it comes to their oldest son Josh Duggar, all their child-rearing rules seem, well, pointless. And never did that lesson hit home as with his recent child porn scandal. That investigation dragged on for two years, starting with the 2019 federal raid on his office and culminating in his conviction in December 2021. 

But now some feel concerned about exactly how Josh spent his time during those months between the raid and his guilty verdict, per the Hollywood Gossip. And those concerns address the court’s rules for what Duggar could and could not do during his time out on bail. For instance, Josh could not reside with his wife Anna Duggar and their seven children. Moreover, Anna’s husband got barred from spending any time around children other than his own.

But recently resurfaced pics from a November wedding raise questions about if Josh followed those rules. As those photos reveal, Josh attended with Anna and their kids. And although his youngsters stand near their dad, kids not related to Duggar appear with him in that picture. Did the proximity of those children break Josh’s bail guidelines?! 

Josh Duggar’s Family, Friends Ignore Child Porn Scandal?!

Because Josh spent his time out on bail under a parole officer’s scrutiny, some speculate that the court’s representative may have allowed him to attend that wedding despite the presence of children. But if so, did Duggar’s own family and friends err in encouraging him to show up at an event where photographic evidence seems an inevitable result?! Once again, it all seems to point to Josh’s relatives and pals trying to act as if his child porn scandal never occurred. 

But as they learned in his December trial, the jury and judge did not play along with the pretense. And the 33-year-old reality TV alum now faces as long as 40 years behind bars for his child pornography guilty verdict, per the Sun. At his April 2022 sentencing hearing, Josh will learn his fate. And all the game-playing from family and friends will not affect the potential for Anna’s husband to spend most of his future in jail. 

Tell us what you think about those photos from the wedding. Do you believe Josh broke the rules of his bail by spending time around kids not his own? And what’s your prediction for his ultimate sentencing hearing in his child porn case? After you’ve shared your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news and reality TV updates!

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