Amy Duggar’s Jury Trial Has Been Scheduled

Amy DuggarThe Duggar family news and updates reveal that cousin Amy Duggar King is heading for a jury trial.

According to The Sun, Amy and her husband, Dillon King, will face a two-day jury trial on January 24, 2023, in relation to the lawsuit filed against them by their former landlord.

Amy Duggar – Sued for Not Paying Rent

Amy Duggar is facing a legal battle of her own as Hillcrest Holdings LLC sued her and her husband for breaching the lease contract for their 3130 clothing store.

According to the reports, the couple signed a five-year lease agreement on October 8, 2018, with a monthly rent of $3,332.83. On June 1, the following year, they amended the lease agreement to add another suite, bumping the rental fee to $6,665.66 a month. The contract was set to expire on May 31, 2024.

The complaint said that Amy Duggar’s clothing store vacated the property in August 2021, which means a default of the Lease and Amendment and a breach of contract. Hillcrest wants to collect unpaid rent from June 2021, along with the costs of the lawsuit, interest, and attorney’s fees.

Amy Duggar – Counter-Sued The Landlord

In response to the complaint, Amy and Dillon said that the landlord was the first to make a material breach of their contract.

“To the extent that there was not a prior material breach, Defendants detrimentally relied on Plaintiff’s representation that there would not be future damages sought if Defendants paid outstanding rental amount, which Plaintiff was to provide and did not.”

The couple also filed a counterclaim, saying that the landlord owed them for the excessive charges they made in relation to the renovations on the two suites.

They said that they had a Tenant Improvement allowance of $31,250 to renovate the leased space to be paid by the landlord, and then any excess would be paid by the couple. However, they were charged over $66,000, and the landlord didn’t even provide them with supporting invoices to justify the charges.

“Upon information and belief, Landlord charged Counterclaimants in excess of the amounts actually charged by [the contractor] or other contractors in violation of the Lease and Amendment,” the court papers said.

“Landlord also charged Counterclaimants for work performed at units other than Suites B or C, or for work that benefitted all units at 7321 West Sunset that were not to be charged as part of the TI allowance agreement.”

In addition, the couple said that the landlord also breached the contract because of inadequate trash services. Their dumpsters were always overflowing, but they ignored the couple’s complaints.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the Duggar family right now. Come back here often for the Duggar family news and updates.

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