Survivor Fans Troubled by Idols on the Show, Feel There Are Too Many – Will The Show Change?

Survivor Fans Troubled by Idols on the Show, Feel There Are Too Many - Will The Show Change?

Jeff Probst has hosted the show Survivor for forty seasons now. He has been very open about how he likes the number of idols on the show even though some fans think it’s just pushing the envelope too much. Jeff wants the audience to remain on the edge of their seats and have a feeling of not knowing what is happening.

We first saw the idols appear in the first season of the show. Survivor: Guatemala has the immunity idol on it. The contestants could find this idol when they were awarded different clues during the game. The idols then became popular on all of the seasons and they could be found at camp and during challenges.

In the last season of the show, Island of Idols, the contestants had a chance to see quite a few idols, but fans just got more and more confused about what was going on. The idols now have benefits such as birth to fire tokens. If you are confused, get in line, a lot of viewers are!

Survivor Fans Troubled by Idols on the Show - Feel There Are Too Many

Jeff Speaks Out About the Idols

Fans of the show have been telling Jeff for years that there are just too many idols on Survivor. He told them that he doesn’t understand why they don’t like the idols. He feels that they make it more of a competition and think they help the challenges to be more intense.

Jeff does not want to change the way the challenges and games are played on the show. He thinks that if the idols were taken off, viewers wouldn’t be able to see any advantages to it. He told fans that there have to be idols in this game or it doesn’t follow the founding principles of it. These four principles are outwit, outlast, out-idol, and outplay.

In the Winners at War season, each contestant is aware that if they want to be successful at the game, they have to be aware of how important the idols are to them and to winning the game. Jeff will keep trying to up the ante each season and fans need to know that the idols aren’t going anywhere. In fact, if it’s up to Jeff, there will be even more added for the next season of the show.

If the idols are not part of the reason you like the show, it’s time to get used to them. They’re here to stay! Survivor will premiere on Wednesday, February 12 at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

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