’90 Day Fiance – Happily Ever After’ Spoilers: Double Trouble For Colt Johnson Larissa & Jess Team Up To Take Him Down!

TLC - 90 Day Fiancé-Happily Ever After: Colt Johnson TLC “90 Day Fiancé-Happily Ever After” star Colt Johnson appears to be in double trouble when his ex-wife Larissa Dos Santos Lima and his ex-girlfriend Jess Caroline team up to take him down! In a sneak peek of what’s coming up on the show, the “terrible two” team up and compare notes on their former bad boyfriend/ex-husband!

TLC 90 Day Fiance – Larissa Dos Santos Lima And Jess Caroline Meet And Bond

Larissa and Jess have a meet-up and Jess talks to Larissa about what her “bad boyfriend” as he called himself to her has done, and how she feels about it. Jess tells Larissa that she feels used by Colt – Larissa wants details. Jess says she has wondered if he was trying to use her to make Larissa jealous since the two women are both Brazilian.

Larissa sees some parallels, with history having seemed to repeat itself with Colt, and especially with Debbie, but the premise that Colt was using Jess to make Larissa jealous doesn’t make a lot of sense – but Jess is obviously struggling for answers. Larissa tells her when she discovered Jess and Colt’s photos together on Instagram, she had thought that perhaps the two had found true love.

Jess says Colt doesn’t care about her – he broke her heart and destroyed her trust, and told Larissa she wished she had heeded her warnings when she called her on the phone early on in Jess and Colt’s relationship. Viewers will recall that Larissa had called Colt a demon and Debbie a wolf. Jess calls Colt a trash man to the TLC cameras. Jess pours her heart out to Larissa, broken-hearted because she had imagined children and a happily ever after with Colt after he had promised her all of it.

90 Day Fiance – Larissa Dos Santos Lima Is Sympathetic And Empathetic

Larissa is both sympathetic and empathetic with Jess – she tells her that’s what Colt does. He makes a lot of promises but never follows through with them. Jess recalls how Larissa had warned her that Colt had a lot of extramarital “girls” during the time he and Larissa were married. Jess tells her that eight different women sent her screenshots of nude photographs Colt had of them, and messages between them, and he was previously caught in 2018 doing the same thing with nude photos and sexual messages with various women through Instagram, while he and Larissa were still married.

Then, he apparently had been telling those women that his and Larissa’s marriage was “fake” so he wouldn’t be suspected of cheating. Jess tells Larissa about the eight women who sent her screenshots of Colt’s messages to them and worse, with Colt claiming to be single and unattached. Larissa opined that maybe Colt wanted to go into the pimp business! Obviously, if Colt really had been wanting to work things out with Jess he wouldn’t have been trying to get things going with eight different women! Jess also said that Colt had sent photos of his genitalia to these women, although she didn’t put it quite so delicately!

Larissa and Jess go on having some fun with Colt sending photos of his private parts to women on the Internet, and with both having had sex with him, imply maybe he’s exaggerating “things” a lot to these other women! Men’s foot sizes, in reality, have nothing to do with their size “elsewhere” and they imply maybe he “pads his shoes” to hide his small “feet”!

Yes, they are body shaming Colt with this type of conversation, but we really can’t blame them, considering the way he treated the two of them! Colt put Larissa through h-e-double hockey sticks, although some would say it was the other way around, and Jess has had a lot of pain from him as well!

Stay tuned to TLC’s “90 Day Fiancé-Happily Ever After” and check back with us frequently for all the latest news, updates, and gossip about all your fave “90 Day Fiancé” shows and stars!

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