According to Soap Opera Digest, Farah, along with her husband Phil Galfond shared the news on their social media accounts for their fans. Theirson, Spencer Keith Galfond, made his arrival on December 31, 2018.“New Years Eve was a different kind of party this year,” posted the actress, while sharing a photo of her newborn son.
Farah and Phil tied the knot back in May of 2015. Unfortunately, the couple suffered some major heartache when Farah suffered from a miscarriage shortly after their wedding. “Even though our road to becoming parents was slightly bumpy (some women have it SO much worse!), we never once felt sorry for ourselves,” she shared at the time. “Instead, we continued to feel extremely blessed no matter our destiny.”
So far Farah has not made any comments on whether or not she is returning to Days of Our Lives anytime in the future. For now though it looks like she’s got her hands pretty busy with her new bundle of joy. Congratulations to the new parents. We can’t wait to see more photos of their baby in the coming weeks.
Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on the NBC network. Check your local listings for times. In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.
As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, when there could be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.
Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on the NBC network.
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