The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Trouble Between Nick and Chelsea Starts – Paternity Issue Revived

The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Trouble Between Nick and Chelsea Starts – Paternity Issue RevivedIt’s not conjecture to reference Christian’s (Jude and Ozzy McGuigen) paternity issue on ‘The Young and the Restless’. Actual analysis is warranted when the show opens with review segments that show Victor (Eric Braeden) having referenced the matter. Thus, the trouble between Nick (Joshua Morrow) and Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) that seemed to be squelched must be explored for deeper potentially foreshadowed meaning.

‘Chick’ hasn’t been totally Peaches and Herb, a 1970’s singing duo wink to all mature fans and others who appreciate feel-good music. Herb had multiple vocal partners throughout P&H’s run. Nick believes that Chelsea has become his permanent one and only.

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Yes, Nick and Chelsea quickly reunited (“and it feels so good”) after arguing about Christian’s temporary disappearance at the Genoa City Athletic Club. That last line included a captioned lyric from the song ‘Reunited’ that spent four weeks at the top of the Billboard charts in 1979.

Y&R’s storylines from that bygone era are generally comparable to today, when personal relationships represent the main focus. And so the romantic link between this written-together couple seemed to easily overcome a scary situation that involved Christian making his way into Dina’s (Marla Adams) room at the Abbott mansion. That connected plot point was later explained.

Hardcore viewers know that the exits of Kelly Sullivan (Sage) and Justin Hartley (Adam) from Y&R’s cast resulted in ‘Chick’s’ formation. At the time this pairing felt concocted. However, Morrow and Egan are solid actors who have combined to create a fully believable couple. How long their fictional duo lasts is an open question.


By pulling and airing the old digital recording of Victor threatening Chelsea, where he used knowledge of Adam’s biological link to Christian, Y&R is implying that this buried issue remains in play. Of course, that’s plausibly true for all old soap stories. But the importance of this one, if revived, would be deeply impactful.

So a seeming glimpse at the future has been offered. This issue with Christian will be referenced by Nick whenever the big reveal is written. He learns, someway, somehow, that Adam is the boy’s son and Chelsea is his stepmother. Nick will be ‘Bluer Than Blue’ then. Yes, that was another Peaches and Herb hit.

Soap Opera Spy is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Young and the Restless’.

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