The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Sharon Must Not Spin Out of Control – Genoa City Support is Strong

The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Sharon Must Not Spin Out of Control – Genoa City Support is StrongSharon (Sharon Case) has come a long way on ‘The Young and the Restless’. She’s made significant progress since Dylan (Steve Burton) departed a year ago. Scott’s (Daniel Hall) betrayal is a hard test, but it’s one that Sharon’s capable of passing if she maintains control over herself and accepts help from her supporters.

This is easier said than done, as Y&R fans who have experienced similar issues can relate to. Learning that one’s significant other has been cheating is a terrible blow. Based upon unique experience, every individual would handle that news and the fallout differently.

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Abby (Melissa Ordway) made her choice, on a number of occasions. She chose to be with Scott. First, in the storage unit and then a few times thereafter in a lesser way. Those actions subsequently produced the consequence that was seen at the Genoa City Athletic Club.

Verbal jousting that started at a table became a floor show, as Sharon and Abby slapped each other’s faces, pulled hair, tussled and were pulled apart by Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan), Lauren (Tracey Bregman) and Scott. Hopefully, for Sharon, that scene doesn’t repeat itself, or play out in a worse way.

Scott and Abby deserve each other. However, looking past the set, this potential couple don’t seem likely to be together anytime soon.

Ordway was filming the aforementioned GCAC scene just before she left the cast and gave birth to her second child. Most importantly, mother and daughter are doing well.

Maternity leave for this member of the cast means that the Abby character will be temporarily written out, unless an unknown, temporary recast was hired. Viewers will know how Y&R plans to handle Ordway’s time off this month.

Assuming that Abby opts to leave town indefinitely, or is sent on a business trip in order to help clear her head, Scott will remain in limbo. It’s obvious that ‘Shott’ is over, so he’ll need to clear out of the cottage as soon as possible and then deal with his actions as best he can.

As for Sharon, her fight with Abby was ill-advised. Hopefully, nothing more like that plays out anytime soon. Her backstory compels her to pull it together, now. She has children to think of, her reputation as a business owner to consider and a personal issue to address in as proactive a way as possible.


Finally, as a direct aside to the character – Stay on your medication Sharon. Meet with your therapist. Take comfort in those family members and friends who have remained loyal. You’ve worked too hard to allow yourself to regress and possess the ability to overcome this situation.

Soap Opera Spy is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Young and the Restless’.

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