The Bold and the Beautiful RUMORS: Ridge’s Drastic Measures To Help Katie Backfire – Bill Gets Custody

The Bold and the Beautiful RUMORS: Ridge's Drastic Measures To Help Katie Backfire - Bill Gets CustodyThe Bold and the Beautiful rumors indicate that Ridge’s (Thorsten Kaye) interference in Katie’s (Heather Tom) custody battle may do more harm than good.

Since Katie decided to fight Bill (Don Diamont) for full custody of their son Will (Finnegan George), the Forrester family has been divided. Ridge has been Katie’s biggest supporter in the custody situation, however his support may be clouded by his hatred for Bill.

Wanting to help Katie secure full custody of Will, Ridge begins a plan to get into the good graces of Judge McMullen (Joe Lando). By befriending the judge, Ridge hopes he can swing the vote in Katie’s favor, however his plan may backfire.

As we’ve seen with many soap opera custody battles, one party tries to bribe a judge or alter the justice system to work in their favor. Sometimes it works, but a majority of the time it backfires.

B&B seems to be foreshadowing that everything will work out in Katie’s favor, however don’t be surprised if there’s a swerve and Bill gets custody.


If Bill does get custody of Will and it’s because of Ridge’s actions, expect there to be a lot of backlash. First, Katie and Thorne (Ingo Rademacher) are going to be furious with him. Then there’s Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) who has been Bill’s biggest supporter in the custody ordeal. She won’t be too happy that her husband tried to keep Bill from his son.

With the custody storyline heating up, tensions are going to be mounting for everyone involved and both parties will resort to drastic measures to ensure that they win. Yet, at the end of the hearing, one parent will be the winner and one will be left heartbroken.


Will Ridge help or hurt Katie’s chances for custody? How will the outcome affect the Forrester and Logan families? Also, how is Will going to handle being thrown in the midst of his parents’ battle?

More detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, where there will be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

The Bold and The Beautiful airs weekdays on the CBS network.

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