General Hospital Spoilers: Oscar’s Seizure – A Freak Reaction Or Serious Illness?

General Hospital Spoilers: Oscar's Seizure - A Freak Reaction Or Serious Illness?General Hospital’s Jason (Steve Burton) agrees to stay with Mike (Max Gail) and ended up hanging out with Oscar (Garren Stitt). Just as Jason and Oscar prepare to leave, Oscar goes into a seizure. What caused the seizure and is it dangerous?

Kim Has Always Been Over Protective

From the time they first appeared onscreen, Kim (Tamara Braun) has been overprotective of Oscar. It has been like she’s has expected something to happen from day one. At first, her concern could be written off as usual worry. Her son was dating a mob boss’ stepdaughter.

Drew (Billy Miller) was new at being a father. Kim was insecure about anyone else having Oscar as a responsibility. Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Seizures Can Have Several Causes

Infectious Diseases can cause seizures. General Hospital hasn’t had a disease outbreak in a while. Could the writers be working up to a meningitis outbreak? Those type of stories is usually sweeps related, so it doesn’t seem likely.


Sam has already had encephalitis so that disease is highly unlikely. And honestly, anything AIDS-related would be out of place in this story. That knowledge leaves us with a couple of other options.

Could Oscar have a head injury that no one is aware he has? Oscar was talking about how athletic Jocelyn is, could he have been doing something athletic and hurt his head somehow? Most other options are genetic options, could Kim be hiding something?

Kim Is Supposed To Reveal A Devastating Secret

Could Kim’s secret be that Oscar has a genetic disorder? Maybe Oscar was born with some unknown disease. Oscar could have inherited this from another woman. Maybe Kim’s secret is that she isn’t Oscar’s birth mother. It is possible that Kim’s original story that Drew dated one of her friends was right. Kim could have adopted the child and raised him as her own.

Drew Had A Seizure Last Year

After being shot and put in a facility last year, Drew had a seizure as he woke up. Maybe Kim reveals that Drew has a disorder that he’s unaware that he has. If this is the case, Scout would be at risk as well. Environment factors for Oscar’s seizure make no sense.

However, a medical abnormality could open up several stories. General Hospital’s Oscar had a seizure for some reason. Getting to the bottom of why will be interesting. Hopefully, we will find out what is behind his seizure sooner, rather than later. However, the seizure does have viewers intrigued. Will Drew be grateful to Jason for once, or try and find a way to blame him for the seizure?

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, where there will be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network.

Read more news, spoilers, and gossip on our General Hospital homepage

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