General Hospital RUMOR: Kim’s Near Death Brings Drew’s Memory Rushing Back

General Hospital RUMOR: Kim’s Near Death Brings Drew’s Memory Rushing BackGeneral Hospital (GH) Julian and Kim are with Liesl when Peter begins to scream when he discovers a rattlesnake in his bed. Will Kim and Julian go to his rescue or will Liesl deter them?

Peter Is Tied To The Bed

Peter is lying in bed with a rattlesnake and no way to escape. Liesl is in the woods talking to Julian and Kim and Nina has left him to go find Drew. Someone needs to come to Peter’s rescue or he could really end up dying which would cause problems for both Nina and Liesl. Julian is afraid of snakes, Liesl doesn’t care if he dies, that is justice for Nathan to her, that only leaves Kim to run to the rescue.

Kim’s Rescue Goes Wrong

What if Kim tries to rescue Peter and in the attempt, she gets bitten by the rattlesnake herself. Kim would, in effect, save Peter but put her own life in grave danger. Liesl had to walk into the cabin so we know it’s off the roadway which is going to make it harder to get her to the hospital in time. Could Kim’s life being in danger bring back Drew’s memory?

Oscar Will Need Drew’s Support

Oscar will be totally distraught if something happens to his mom and he will need Drew’s support and guidance. Drew would have to figure out pretty quickly how to comfort Oscar and assure him is mom will be ok. Will this father-son bonding time wake up something inside of him that has been buried for the past few years?

Drew and Kim Have A History

We know that Drew and Kim have a history, but it that history strong enough to bring back his memory if she is in danger? Kim and Drew share a child but did they share a love of the ages? Kim being in danger might just be the thing to bring back Drew’s memories without the aid of a flash drive or Dr.

Maddox. It would be very interesting to see his reaction to Kim in danger because let’s be honest, his reaction to Sam in danger was sorely lacking for many of us. If Kim is Drew’s true love, we can expect an amazing reaction, if written correctly, and hopefully see a real emotional connection between Drew and someone he shares real memories with.

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, where there will be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network.

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