General Hospital RECAP Thursday, June 7: Ava Suspicious Of Griffin, Kiki’s New Plan

“General Hospital” (GH) recap for Thursday, June 7, 2018, kicks off with Griffin (Matt Cohen) sitting with Ava (Maura West) but reliving his night with Kiki (Hayley Erin).

Ava Feels Something Is Off With Griffin

Ava thinks Carly’s (Laura Wright) trial is bothering him, but she also thinks something else is wrong. Ava talks to Griffin about fears and jealousy, he tells her they both made mistakes that night.

Kiki comes in but can’t join them, Griffin goes to get the car so they can go to the courthouse. Ava tells Kiki about Bensch (James DePaiva) stopping by the gallery and needs her to call later to discuss it.

Liz Wants Kiki To Confide In Ava and Franco

General Hospital’s Kiki gets a notice from HR that they found no wrongdoing with Dr. Bensch. Liz (Rebecca Herbst) wants Kiki to tell Franco (Roger Howarth) and her mom. Kiki says Franco and her mom will want to fight her battle for her and it’s her fight she refuses to tell them.

Franco hears part of the conversation and questions what Liz thinks he should be told. Liz and Kiki cover so that Franco doesn’t know anything is going on. Liz changes the subject and wants to set a wedding date.

Franco Wants Liz’s Family At The Wedding

Franco wants Liz’s family at their wedding. Liz keeps avoiding Franco and he knows it, he wants to know what is going on with not wanting her parents there. Franco wants to meet her family, Liz questions if he is going to invite Betsy (Deborah Strang).

Franco wants to invite both their mothers to the wedding, Liz says it won’t happen. Franco wants to at least send the parents and her sister and invitation, Liz agrees to think about it. Franco calls Audrey (Rachel Ames) and asks for Sarah’s (Sarah Laine) number.

Dante’s And Lulu Discuss Nelle

General Hospital’s Dante (Dominic Zamprogna) is getting ready to testify at Carly’s trial. Dante tells Lulu (Emme Rylan) that he has to give the facts as the arresting officer.

Lulu doesn’t believe Nelle’s story at all. Lulu wants to know how bad this trial can get, Dante says best case scenario is Carly goes to Shadybrook.

Bobbie Testifies Against Carly

General Hospital’s Carly’s trial begins. Josslyn (Eden McCoy) is a witness as well and asks Bobbie (Jackie Zeman) if Carly knows. Josslyn is afraid of saying something to send Carly to prison.

Marqaux (Elizabeth Hendrickson) gives her opening statement and tries to say Carly thinks she is above the law and intentionally tried to kill Nelle (Chloe Lanier). Diane (Carolyn Hennesy) brings up Morgan ( Bryan Craig) and says Carly is broken because of his death.

Bobbie takes the stand as Michael and Nelle walk in. Bobbie tells the D.A. that Nelle has tried to ruin Carly’s life. Bobbie tells the D.A. that Nelle is a parasite that tried to ruin Carly’s marriage. Bobbie agrees with the D.A. that Nelle was trying to separate Michael from his family.

Josslyn Is Distraught After Testifying

Josslyn takes the stand and is questioned about Nelle. Josslyn says Nelle is her friend and never treated her unfairly. The D.A. wants to know if Michael is looking forward to becoming a father and her an aunt.

Josslyn tells them about the baby’s room at Sonny’s (Maurice Benard). Josslyn is asked if she believes Nelle was using Morgan’s name to hurt Carly. Diane calls a recess and Josslyn runs into Michael’s (Chad Duell) arms.

Diane Tells Carly, Nelle Looking Innocent Helps Them

Carly confronts Nelle and asks if she’s happy. Diane and Carly argue about how innocent Nelle needs to look. Nelle tells Josslyn she doesn’t want to see Carly go to prison. Ava and Griffin arrive and Nelle threatens her again with the blanket.

Ava Testifies And Tries To Hurt Carly’s Case

Ava testifies about the mobile and how Nelle was trying to make amends. Ava tells the DA that Carly forbid Nelle to speak Morgan’s name and how Michael was too good for her, Ava finishes testifying and leaves the stand.

Michael Testifies About The Baby

Michael takes the stand, the D.A asks if he plans to marry Nelle. Michael talks about how much he loves the baby and wants it to be safe. The D.A. questions Michael about Nelle and Carly.

Nelle is a permanent part of Michael’s life unless something happens to her and the baby. Diane reserves to call him later too. Nelle is hugging on Michael adding to the drama.

Dante Tells The Court Carly Wanted Nelle’s Head On A Silver Platter

The D.A. questions Dante next and has him to read part of Nelle’s statement. Dante tells the court that the blanket was not found and she questions his connection to Michael and Dante. Mike (Max Gail) being at the PCPD is brought up and wants to know what Carly said to Nelle about the tea she offered her.

Dante tells the court Carly said she wanted Nelle’s head on a silver platter. Dante apologizes to Sonny for having to tell the truth. Sonny asks Dante to go check on Mike and Josslyn. Sonny tells Dante he has to get help for Carly and Mike, Dante says they are all lucky to have him.

Nelle Fakes Pain To Get Sympathy

Nelle takes the stand. The D.A. wants to know how this relationship started with Carly. Nelle tells her that she saved Josslyn’s life and admits to being jealous of Carly because of her father. Nelle talks about her and Michael’s relationship and blames Carly for trying to break them up.


Nelle and Michael aren’t together anymore but they are partners. Michael has moved back into the Quartermaine house in the room beside her but she has no hope that her child will have a safe life. Diane defers questioning Nelle who gets off the stand and fakes pain so that Michael runs to her.

Michael Wants Spinelli To Check Gallery Records

General Hospital’s Michael is on the phone with Spinelli and tells him Nelle always covers her tracks. Michael wants Spinelli to check the gallery accounts as well.

Kiki Wants Lulu To Write An Article

Kiki meets with Lulu to ask her about doing an article on sexual harassment. Lulu tells Kiki that she can write about claims of harassment but can’t refer to Dr. Bensch. A sexual harassment story can be done without mentioning names but Kiki needs to decide if she wants to do this or not.

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, where there will be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network.

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