Days of Our Lives

Days Of Our Lives RECAP Thursday, August 30: Will Remembers Ari – Sonny Questions The Future

Days of Our Lives’ Thursday August 30 episode recap begins with Doug and Julie showing up at the hospital. Eric tells them how bad Marlena was before surgery.

Julie Discovers Something Shocking

Doug and Julie have brought food. Julie asks if Sami shot Marlena. Julie asks how Sami shot Marlena. Eric says he tried to take the gun and it fired. Eric says this is Kristen’s fault, not Sami’s. Doug and Julie go back to Doug’s Place. Julie is blaming Sami and brings up Hope’s wedding. Doug wants to clean up the restaurant. Julie is ranting about Susan being in the freezer. Julie lets out a scream, Doug goes to her.

Rafe Is Knocked Out

Days of Our Lives’ Rafe asks Hope if she got Sami’s statement. Hope tells Rafe that Sami didn’t take the blame for anything, even sleeping with him. Hope is ranting about Sami shooting Marlena. Rafe says they weren’t there, and they have no idea what happened. Rafe says he should have taken Sami’s statement. Hope replies so you could let her off the hook again.

Hope tells Rafe not to defend Sami to her. Rafe cannot control Sami, no one can. Rafe tells Hope he can only take responsibility for his actions. Rafe doesn’t want them to go backward because of Sami. Rafe tells Hope they can’t let Sami come between them again. Paul comes in and asks about Brady. Paul will call Brady’s phone again. Hope and Rafe don’t want to lose each other. Rafe offers to let Sami make a phone call.

Hope is having the statement transcribed. Hope is also going to call the D.A. to hold Sami for 24 hours. Paul tells Hope he is going to go by the inn to check on Brady. Paul goes to the loaf, and the door is open. Paul walks in and utters oh my God. Hope finds Rafe knocked out.

Paul Goes To Search For Brady

Days of Our lives’ Paul and Will talking. Will tells Paul he is vital to him. Paul wants to know what Will needs to discuss. Will talks about the about the pressure on him when he came home. Jennifer interrupts them asking about Eric. Paul is shocked that Brady isn’t there. Paul goes to search for Brady. Will sees a baby in the hallway and remembers Ari.

Susan Has A Premonition

Days of Our Lives’ Susan has a bad dream. Susan says Kristen is about to do something terrible. Susan claims that Will is in danger. Sonny tells Susan to relax, and Will is fine. Susan talks about her premonitions. Susan says Will has hit that jackpot with Paul. Kristen won’t hurt Will if Paul is there to protect him. Susan talks about how good Will is doing.

Susan wonders if something is wrong with Paul and Will. Sonny tells Susan about Will’s memory. Susan says it’s going to be hard on Paul if Will dumps him for Sonny. Susan tells Sonny to give Will time. Will arrives at Sonny ’s. Sonny asks how things are at the hospital. Will tells Susan that Marlena is in surgery. Susan can’t believe Sami shot her mother.

Will defends Sami to Susan. Will remembers defending Sami to Paul as well. Will tells Susan that Kristen is conniving. Susan wants to go to the hospital. Will asks Susan to pray for John and Marlena. Will tells Sonny that Kristen told Sami E.J. is alive. Will doesn’t want to get Susan’s hopes up. Will tells Sonny about remembering Ari. Will came over because he has to see Ari. Sonny wants to finish their conversation. Sonny wants to know what Will was going to say.

Kristen And Brady Kiss

Days of Our Lives’ Brady refuses to sleep with Kristen. Kristen asks if Brady wants to say goodbye to Eve before he has her killed. Brady gets Kristen to hang up the phone. Kristen tells Brady she wants to feel their connection. Brady tells Kristen this is over. Kristen brings up falling out the window and Brady mourning for her.

Brady tells Kristen she has hurt his family in many ways. Kristen even took his son from Theresa’s body. Kristen realized after her fall that there is a God. If God can forgive her for the past why can’t Brady? Kristen came back to make amends. Stefano came to Kristen and told her to fight and take what she wants. Brady says Kristen can throw out any story she wants. Kristen cannot make Brady love her.

Kristen calls herself and Brady outsiders. Kristen tells him she is the person to love him. Kristen keeps coming on to Brady. Kristen wants Brady to make love to her now. Brady and Kristen begin to kiss.

Jennifer Admits She Was Wrong To Lie

Days of Our Lives’ Eric and Jennifer are in the chapel. Eric says a prayer for Sami and Marlena. Eric cannot blame Sami for wanting the love of her life back. Jennifer says E.J. is the love of Sami’s life, but she can’t see how Sami could threaten John. Jennifer says maybe Sami would be better with someone more stable.

Eric talks about being kept from someone you love. Eric tells Jennifer she’s the best person he knows. Jennifer asks Eric not to say that. Eric goes to check on Marlena. Jennifer says she made a terrible mistake and asked for God’s forgiveness.

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, when there could be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on the NBC network.

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Sandra McIntyre

I am an avid soap fan and have been for many years. Some of my favorite soaps were Another World, Texas, and Santa Barbara. I love to spend time with my children and grandchildren. In my spare time, I enjoy reading as well as writing fan fiction. General Hospital’s Sam and Jason are one of my favorite couples of all time.

Published by
Sandra McIntyre

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