Days of Our Lives RECAP Friday, September 14: Kayla Removes Marlena’s Life Support

Days of Our Lives RECAP Friday, September 14: Kayla Removes Marlena’s Life Support Days of Our Lives (DOOL) recap for Friday, September 14, 2018 reveals,  Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) starts to leave the apartment. Hope (Kristian Alfonso) shows up to arrest Ben for attempted murder. Hope claims that new evidence has come to light. Hope cuffs Ben and takes him to the police station.

Hope Arrests Ben For Attempted Murder

Tripp (Lucas Adams) looks satisfied, Ciara (Victoria Konefal) looks upset. Ciara can’t believe Hope dragged Ben out of there. Ciara thinks its funny that Hope finds something that forensics missed. Ciara wants to go to the station because Hope is out for Ben. Tripp doesn’t wish to Ciara to go.

Sami Convinces Rafe To Let Her See Marlena

Days of Our Lives’ Sami (Alison Sweeney) tells Rafe (Galen Gering) that Marlena (Deidre Hall) will die if they remove her from the ventilator. Rafe tries to convince Sami that Marlena wants this. Sami wants Rafe to get her to the hospital so she can see her mom. Rafe agrees to take Sami to the hospital. Hope says Ben’s fingerprints were on the can or accelerant. Ben and Sami have words before Rafe leaves with her. Rafe can’t believe Hope has arrested Ben.

John Gives Belle The Cold Shoulder

Days of Our Lives’ John (Drake Hogestyn) tells Eric (Greg Vaughan) that Justin (Wally Kurth) is in court trying to get an injunction. John tells Eric that if he and Marlena married he could have challenged Belle. However, John says they may have to say goodbye to Marlena today.

John calls Carrie (Christy Clark) and tells her what is going on. Eric goes to contact everyone else. Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) and Belle (Martha Madison) show up at the hospital. Belle tells John she had to let the hospital decide what to do. Belle tells John this wasn’t her choice, it was Marlena’s. Belle says she’s there for John and she loves him. John doesn’t even look at her. John advises Claire to say goodbye to Marlena.

The Family Says Their Goodbyes

Days of Our Lives’ Claire and Belle go into Marlena’s hospital room. Claire tells Marlena she always made her want to do better. Claire promises to try and be a better person. Belle apologizes for not being there. Belle wishes she and Marlena could have discussed this. Belle hates what Marlena is making her do. Belle tells Marlena she should know how to deal with this.

Belle says she felt special because she was the only child with the love of her life. Belle was the kid with the mom everybody wanted. Belle asks what she’s supposed to do without Marlena. Will (Chandler Massey) walks in and wants to know the same. Will tells Marlena he knows Sami put her there. Will remembers a lot of things being Sami’s fault. Will tells Marlena he’s in a messed up situation. Will wishes Marlena could talk with him about this. Will hopes he is doing the right thing.

Brady (Eric Martsolf) apologizes to Marlena for his teenage years. Brady thanks Marlena for being the best mom a man could have. Eric tells Marlena he loves her. Eric admires her strength and loyalty. Eric tells Marlena she has seen him through his most challenging times. Marlena has never wavered in her duties as a mom. Eric is blessed to be Marlena’s son. Sami goes in to see Marlena. Sami admits to putting Marlena in this situation. Sami has spent her life trying not to be like Marlena. Sami says Marlena never crumbled yet is there because of her. Sami knows Marlena is fighting. Marlena is a fortress.

Sami prays to be like Marlena, strong for her kids. Sami sings to Marlena. Sami lays her head on Marlena and cries. John goes to talk to Marlena. John remembers when Marlena feels off a roof and survived. John prays for a miracle and begs Marlena to come back to him. John comes out and tells every that Justin couldn’t do anything. Kayla comes to unhook Marlena. John and the family except Belle and Claire proceed to the chapel to pray for Marlena. John sends Brady and Will to check on Paul. Hope calls Rafe demanding to know where Sami is. Kayla and the family go to Marlena’s room, and Eric says a prayer. Kayla shuts off the respirator, and everyone waits.

Will Tells Sami and John He Remembers Everything

Days of Our Lives’ Will shows up to see Marlena and speak to John. Will tells John that he has his memory back. Will tells John he is staying with Paul (Christopher Sean). Will tells John that Paul is having tests and promises to give him the results. John wonders if Marlena would have made a different choice if they hadn’t divorced. John doesn’t remember life before Marlena. John doesn’t have any idea how to live without Marlena. Will talks to Sami and tells her about his memory. Sami says this means miracles happen. Sami is sure they will get another miracle.


Sami And Belle Argue

Days of Our Lives’ Brady and Eric talk about Marlena’s dinner rituals. Brady tells Eric he did the same with Tate. Eric and Brady are happy they made up. Belle tells Brady that John hates her right now. Brady says Belle did the right thing. Sami walks up and replies the hell she did. Sami accuses Belle of trying to kill Marlena. Belle and Sami argue, and Eric separates them.

Ben Accuses Hope Of Framing Him

Days of Our Lives Ben and Hope are in interrogation. Hope shows him the can; Ben denies seeing it before. Hope asks if Ben wants to call his lawyer, Ben declines. Ben tells Hope Ciara has probably already called. Ben accuses Hope of planting the evidence against him. Ben points out that Marlena can’t testify for him. Ciara shows up at the station to see Ben. Ben asks what she is doing there.

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Soap Opera Spy, when there could be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on the NBC network.

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