The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Graham Follows Mother’s Orders – Dina Remains Gullible

The Young and the Restless (YR) Spoilers: Graham Follows Mother's Orders – Dina Remains GullibleGraham (Max Shippee) has been revealed as a mama’s boy on ‘The Young and the Restless’. He told his mark, Dina (Marla Adams), that the lady who Ashley (Eileen Davidson) spoke to in Florida wasn’t his mother. That lie about Myrna being his aunt ties directly to the real reason for targeting Dina a few years ago when she running her company in Paris.

So it turns out that Brent Davis (Bert Kramer) is not only Ashley’s father, but also Graham’s. While the backstory of Davidison’s character was fleshed out decades ago, now departed co-executive producer and head writer Sally Sussman decided to lengthen it further. Thankfully, flashback scenes were provided to educate the audience, as many likely weren’t familiar with 30-year-old scenes.

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Brent was apparently living with his wife and son, Graham, in Genoa City years ago. He was the tennis pro who Dina took a romantic interest in, much to John’s (Jerry Douglas) chagrin. That relationship ended ‘Jina’ in the 1960’s, which the decade before Y&R debuted.

Dina later delivered Ashley, under the pretense of her being John’s daughter. Years passed until the 1980’s arrived. During that 10-year span Ashley was shocked to learn that John Abbott wasn’t her father. Brent was, as Dina confirmed.

Meanwhile, in now invented Y&R history, the Davis family was living in town. Just as John was furious with Dina for her actions with Brent, so too was Myrna with Brent for his betrayal. She’s held Dina responsible for destroying their family ever since then and has positioned Graham to take her down now.

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As Ravi (Abhi Sinha) discovered, Myra and Graham aren’t strangers to GC. But Ashley and her significant other haven’t yet determined that both people are linked to Brent. Graham’s ruse is certain to be exposed as soon as they do.

Y&R fans might assume that Graham will try to cash in on Dina’s inheritance by having Madame Mergeron meet an untimely fate. So all involved better move quickly in order to avoid that projected tragedy. Yes, Graham and his undead mother are dangerous.

Soap Opera Spy is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Young and the Restless’.

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