General Hospital William deVry Announces Adorable Addition To Family!

General Hospital William deVry Announces Adorable Addition To Family!

General Hospital fan favorite William deVry (Julian Jerome) is currently in prison on GH but at home, our favorite criminal is doing some dog-loving! William posted the most adorable pic on social media of his new pet dog – a cute little 4-pound chihuahua still unnamed. Initially, the new doggie’s name was going to be, Cyclone but William changed his mind saying, “Can’t-do Cyclone. Not pretty enough.”

Enjoy the photos and don’t forget to stay tuned to General Hospital on ABC as Julian’s inevitable release from prison comes to pass. GH fans are anticipating Julian back in Port Charles both to see his involvement with the two Jasons and his possible romantic interaction with Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

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