Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 5 Veto Players & Veto Comp Winner Revealed

“Big Brother” (BB19) live feed spoilers revealed the Veto players for week 5. The six player for the ‘Power of Veto’ are Paul Abrahamian (HoH), Jessica Graf, Cody Nickson, Jason Dent (the 3 nominees), Kevin Schlehuber, and Raven Walton (players picked by random draw), with Christmas Abbott as Host. Paul and the house are hoping someone on their side wins PoV. Then they would use the Veto taking Jason off leaving Jessica and Cody on the block.

Paul then plans to talk Jessica into not using the Halting Hex and allow the house to vote Cody out. It is very unlikely that Jessica will allow that to happen. If Jessica or Cody win the PoV and use it to take them self off the block, Paul said he will put up Elena. Again, none of this really matters too much as the hex stops all evictions for the week, if Jessica chooses to use it. The only thing this week will accomplish is showing the houseguest where they stand with the rest of the house.

Related: Big Brother 19 Spoilers: The House Explodes After Nomination Ceremony – Details HERE!

“Big Brother” (BB19) live feeds spoilers show that Paul won the PoV this week. He plans to talk with Jessica one last time before the Veto Ceremony asking her to not use the Hex this week and allow the house to vote Cody out. However, we all know Jessica is not going to let that happen. So will Paul take Jason off the block, or not use the veto at all and just let things ride?

What do you think about Jessica’s plan to use the hex this week? Do you think she needs to let Cody be evicted from the house? How are Paul and the rest of the house going to feel about a null week? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts on yet another crazy week in the “Big Brother” house. Be sure to check back often on Soap Opera Spy to stay up to date on everything going on in the “Big Brother” (BB19) house.

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