Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Double Eviction, HOH and Veto Results Revealed HERE!
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Big Brother 19 (BB19) has finally made it to double eviction week! With that being said we have the results here of what all went down for you!
First To Be Eliminated CODY
Soon as the show started out they jumped right into things. Elena Davies, Matt Clines, and Cody Nickson were on the block. With everyone casting their vote for Cody he was the first to be eliminated. Cody did not go out the doors without trying to blow up Jason Dent’s and Alex Ow’s game by making up some lies trying to turn the others against them. He told Julie that he did it all for Jessica Graf.
Head Of HouseHold Jason Dent
Now moving on to the HOH results. Jason Dent won HOH and he was very excited yet emotional being that he had to be the one to send someone home. He was stressing out a lot because things were moving so fast and he said he needed to get his thoughts together. While everyone was awaiting to see who he put up to go home, Mark Jansen went to Elena and gave her a hug and told her he was crazy about her. It seems as if he was saying his goodbyes and he felt like he was heading out the doors.
Nominations Elena & Mark
Of course once it came down to choosing who was going on the block, Jason chose to put Mark and Elena up. He made a great speech letting Mark know he still wanted them to hang out outside of the big brother house but he just could not trust him game wise. He told Elena he was afraid of someone making a deal with her in the house, so that is why he is putting her up.
Veto Competition Winner Mark
Now for veto Matt Clines, Elena Davies, Mark Jansen, Jason Dent, Josh Martinez, and Raven Walton were all chosen to play in which Mark Jansen won. It was a race to see who could get three puzzles put together the fastest! So now Mark can chose to take him or Elena off the block with the Power Of Veto. So he has a tough decision to make and he decided to take himself off the block.
Replacement Nominee Matt
Jason had to put up a replacement and he chose Matt to go up in his place.
Second To Be Eliminated Elena
So the final two on the block were Elena and Matt in which Elena was evicted! Of course Mark, was the only one who did not vote for Elena to go. So as you can see we had a very eventful show and more great stuff heading our way! So make sure to stay tuned to CBS’s Big Brother to see what happens next.
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