‘Those Who Can’t‘ is a 30 minute comedy set to air on TruTV, the premiere date is scheduled for Thursday, February 11th. According to TruTV’s official website, the hilarious new comedy “follows three trouble-making teachers, played by show creators Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl and Ben Roy of the Denver-based comedy troupe The Grawlix. More inept than the kids they teach, they’re out to beat the system as they struggle to survive each day on their own terms.”
Sonya Eddy took to Twitter on Friday January 29th to share some awesome shots of herself and her fellow cast members at the ‘Those Who Can’t’ premiere party. According to IMDB, the ‘General Hospital’ actress will be playing the part of Tammy Sherman – it’s unclean what role exactly Tammy plays on the show, but she is slated to appear in all 10 episodes of Season 1.
We can’t wait for the premiere of ‘Those Who Can’t‘ – don’t forget to set your DVR’s for February 11th and check out the hilarious trailer below and let us know what you think in the comment section. Are you a fan of Sonya Eddy? Will you be tuning in? As always, don’t forget to check Soap Opera Spy daily for news and updates on all of your favorite ‘General Hospital’ stars.
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