‘Days of Our Lives’ Spoilers: Greg Vaughan Keeping Eric Brady in Salem – Actor Staying Until April
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“Days of Our Lives” spoilers give viewers reason to believe Greg Vaughan [Eric Brady] will remain on “DOOL” a bit longer. Greg’s exit date could possibly be sometime in April 2016.
As previously reported, Vaughan believes that Eric’s journey in Salem hasn’t come to an end. Additionally, Greg said that Eric’s life would head in a different direction, and that direction would be good for both the character and for “DAYS.”
Vaughan also pointed out that Eric is a very important part of “Days of Our Lives.” However, fans may be surprised and caught off-guard by the changes Eric will undergo. Greg may no longer a contract actor with “DOOL” but the actor never said that Eric Brady was going to die or be written out. What Vaughan did say was that the story is creative and going somewhere spectacular. Where do you think “Days of Our Lives” writers are taking the character?
Greg Vaughan was vague during what viewers believe was his exit interview. Vaughan would not say whether Eric would live or die. What Greg did say during the interview as that he was taken off contract, was no longer filming, and had wrapped up his storyline and no longer contractually on “DAYS” any longer.
“Days of Our Lives” fans, what do you think is going on? Is Greg Vaughan still a part of the “DAYS” cast, just not a contract actor? Have TPTB convinced the actor to remain in the role of Eric Brady until they are able to recast the role? If “DOOL” is going for a recast, is there already an actor in place who isn’t available to begin taping for a few months?
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Love Greg Vaughn
I think he will be sent to prison for vehicular manslaughter
So, Maggie has to choose who gets Daniel’s heart.
If you killed my son, you sure wouldn’t!!!!
Hate to see Greg Vaughan leave Days! He has been my very favorite Salrmite.Wish him the very best.
As much as I like Greg Vaughan playing the part
of Eric Brady Driving drunk he needs to be
I don’t know why Maggie had such a hard time making a decision who should get Daniel’s heart. Brady has a new son he has to be around for. I think that is a no brainer.
I think he will go back to being a Priest.
I am very disappointed with bringing back Bo only to have him die, now with the car accident to have more to die 🙁
I have been watching DAYS for as far back as I can remember. So many good actors and actresses come and go but now to get rid of all the major roles. Cant understand it. No offense but they are bringing in all these young ones now starting to feel like a Degrassi junior high show.
Daniels gone why bring up some long ago secret,why another child a wife why do that to Nicole.He’s gone let his secrets be gone too.
*what* not why