‘The Young and the Restless’ (Y&R) POLL: Did Ian Ward Get Out of Jail Legally Or Did He Escape? Will He Double-Cross Adam?

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) POLL: Did Ian Ward Get Out of Jail Legally Or Did He Escape? Will He Double-Cross Adam?“Young and the Restless,” revealed that Gabriel Bingham A.K.A. Adam Newman (Justin Hartley) helped Ian Ward (Ray Wise) get out of jail. At first, they let the fans believe he was released from jail on a technicality. Later, it came out that Adam sprung him from jail. Is it possible that Adam helped him escape from prison or bribed the guards to release him?

It seems like Adam got way over his head with Ian Ward as he seems not to know how to handle Ian and his antics. Ian is the type of character that cannot be controlled- which is why he makes great for daytime drama. At first, Adam figured he’d be a brilliant partner because it seemed like he wanted to take Victor (Eric Braden) down as much as he did. As time went on, it became clear that Ian plans were not in sync with his and in Ian’s quest for revenge against Victor- Ian could turn on him, too.

The real question is how Ian got out of prison. The last time fans saw Ian; he was sent to prison, and they said he’d never see the outside world. Victor, one of the most important businessmen in the world, would not allow Ian to get out of jail. So, how did this happen? Is it possible Victor knows Ian is out and about- living among him in Genoa City?

It is highly unlikely that Victor would put wife, Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) at risk by allowing Ian Ward to get out of jail. Victor likely is not aware of his release. That still doesn’t answer how was let go in under a year? The likely answer was stated a few days ago. Adam told Ian, “No one can know I helped you get out of jail. My family will never forgive me.” His statement is could be taken to mean he helped him escape or paid someone to let him go.

Fans don’t quite understand why Adam needed Ian Ward to pull off the Paragon Project. Ian is not a computer whiz and is not particularly wealthy. Adam has much more financial backing than Ian could ever come up with. So why was Ian added to the storyline? Do you think Ian was released from jail legally or did he escape? Do you think Ian will double-cross Adam?

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