‘The Young and the Restless’ (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor’s Computer!

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for Monday September 7, 2015 reveals that Adam (Justin Hartley) is working with Ian Ward (Ray Wise) but Ian thinks Adam is Gabriel Bingham.  Furthermore, the virus that Adam installed on Victor’s (Eric Braeden) computer is a worm that is burrowing through the Newman systems with the goal of destroying Victor.  Meanwhile, Esther (Kate Linder) accuses Colin (Tristan Rogers) of inappropriate behavior.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!The Monday September 7, 2015 episode of “Y&R” opens with the power coming back on in Genoa city. Jill (Jess Walton) thinks it was Katherine (Jeannie Cooper) telling them the memorial is over. Esther  says that, “Mr. C wants them to know she sees everything and some people need a reminder.” Jill tells her they have had enough drama and Colin and Jill go to leave.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Colin comes back and talks to Esther, puts his hand on her shoulder and she demands, ‘don’t you dare!” Esther leaves and Colin says, “That went well.”

Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) comes downstairs at The Athletic Club Billy (Burgess Jenkins) is there and she asks what happened to the power. The power comes back on. They both think it was strange.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Back with Adam (Justin Hartley) in Victor’s office, he is impatient the virus is taking forever to download. Ian (Ray Wise) asks Adam, “Is this how you handle tension? Because it is not healthy, I hear it in your voice.” Adam tells him to spare him the guru act because if he gets caught it is him who falls for it. The computer tech tells Adam it is done and he should logout so they don’t find a trace. Adam hears a noise, runs to hide and Victoria (Amelia Heinle) comes in.

Sage (Kelly Sullivan) tells Nick (Joshua Morrow) she had a nightmare before she felt her first pain she dreamt that Victor (Eric Braeden) took their baby. Victor and Nikki come to the hospital, Victor looks in her room.

Nick apologizes he feels it is his fault because he told her how controlling his father is.

Victor tells Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) he is glad she is there. Victor has no news yet. Abby (Melissa Ordway) walks in she dropped by to bring Stitch food and they tell Abby there is some concern about Sage’s baby.

Sage is devastated she thinks the baby might have been too much to hope for.

Victor is upset that the doctor has not got there sooner and Victor tries to bully the doctor for news. The Doctor refuses and goes into Sage’s room and tells her the baby is developing normally. The doctor tells Sage she is on bed rest and asks Nick to come outside he wants to give him recommendations for how Sage can rest.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Billy asks Chelsea what she is doing in town and Chelsea tells him they were too late to leave Victor sued for visitation of Connor.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Ian says, “It is amazing life is not long ago I was caged and all alone and along came Gabriel Bingham and we are a perfect match we both detest Victor Newman.” Ian looks at the computer tech and tells him, “We have done our job our revenge is definitely served cold. Here is your just dessert Victor, choke on it.”

Victoria calls security and asks them why her father’s office was the only place with power during the power outage. As Victoria talks to security Adam sneaks out of the office.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Colin and Jill come into Crimson Lights and Esther is sitting there and she says she came there because she thought they would not be there. Colin tells her he did not mean to upset her earlier and offers her a refill. Esther implies Colin will poison her coffee. Jill wants to know what happened while she was away and Esther tells her Colin made inappropriate advances on her. Jill laughs and says Colin would never do that.

Nick tells Victor and Nikki Sage is fine.

Victor comes in Sage’s hospital room.

Victoria tells the guard someone was in her father’s office and she heard something when she came in. Victoria goes to look at Victor’s computer.

Chelsea tells Billy she was ready to leave and run but Gabriel reminded her she couldn’t keep running the rest of her life. Chelsea tells Billy that Gabriel promised stop going after Victor.  Billy is doubtful.

Adam walks into The Athletic Club and up to Chelsea and Billy’s table. Billy and Adam bicker and Chelsea asks them if they really want to argue in front of Connor. Chelsea leaves with Connor.

Billy tells Adam the only decent thing Adam did was die.

Nikki runs into the hospital room where Victor and Sage are. Nikki tells Sage not to worry about anything and Sage screams. The baby kicked Sage really hard. She tells Victor and Sage she needs her rest and they leave.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Colin tells Esther that her thinking he hit on her was in her dreams. Esther gives Jill the gory details and then Colin gives his version. Both versions are opposite and Colin says Esther is lying. Jill tells Esther she thinks it was just a misunderstanding. Esther insists it was not. Jill says she was away for a long time and she should have known they would have driven each other crazy. Jill tells Esther that she is the last person in the world Colin would hit on. Esther tells Jill either Colin goes or she does. Jill tells her not to let the door hit her on the way out and Esther tells Jill Mrs. C would be ashamed of you.

Chelsea, Adam and Connor go to leave and Billy says to Adam, “Chelsea is Connor’s Mom and he will always love her but who the hell are you?”

Victor offers to have Nick and Sage move in the main house and he will hire nurses around the clock. Nick refuses. They leave.

Nick asks the doctor about Sage’s bed rest and then asks if there is something they wanted to say without Sage around. The doctor thinks the dizziness and pains were a physiological reaction to her worries. The doctor wants to have Sage see a doctor and talk about her concerns. Nick is concerned Sage’s worrying is going to be dangerous for the baby.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Victoria comes into the Athletic Club bar and sits with Billy. Victoria tells Billy had a little scare with the baby.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Adam is upset he is Gabriel Bingham, Chelsea’s boyfriend and not Connor’s father. Adam tells her if he was Adam Newman he could be her husband and Connor’s father. Chelsea does not want him to be Adam because he would go to jail. Adam tells her he wants to be her husband and Chelsea asks if he is proposing.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Esther talks to Mrs. C and tells her it is time for her to leave and go out on her own, she has saved for a rainy days. Esther tells Mrs. C she is going to make her proud of her and she loves her. She has her bags packed and she leaves.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Victor and Nikki go to Chancellor Park and they talk about Katherine and Nikki tells Victor sometimes he can be so tender and sweet. Victor tells Nikki it is up to them to keep the family together. Nikki tells Victor he is the only man for her, always.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Billy tells Victoria he realizes the thing with Chelsea is none of his business and it is just putting a wall up between them. Victoria asks Billy if they are back together and Billy leans in and kisses her.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Nick informs Sage that the doctor thinks stress is bad for her and for the baby. Nick tells Sage that she is in good hands and they will do everything to make sure the baby is okay. Sage tells Nick she loves him.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Chelsea tells Adam when they are in their place he is always her husband body and soul but when they are outside he is Gabriel Bingham. Adam tells Chelsea they can move back into the condo. Chelsea leaves and Gabriel gets a call.

'The Young and the Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers Monday, September 7: Ian Thinks Adam is Gabe, Esther Tells Jill Colin Hit On Her, Paragon Virus Burrowing Through Victor's Computer!Adam picks up the phone and Ian tells Adam, “The digital worm is burrowing like a champion and Victor will never know who unleashed the beast. This is what we wanted feel free to be pleased.” Adam sits down and says, “You are right this is what we wanted.”

That is it “The Young and the Restless” fans!  Ian Ward does not know he is working with Adam Newman.  What do you think Ian is going to do once he finds out?  Will Adam be satisfied with Victor not knowing he is the one behind the virus?  Are you please that Victoria and Billy are back together?

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below, on our Facebook Page, or join our Facebook Group for Discussion.

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  1. Gloria Zimmerman says

    I m not sure what to think about Ian and Adam ? Adam looked surprised Ian was at the helm! Sage might be having Twins from the way she is acting , probably Nick and Adam both the baby Daddy’s….. Good stories from that occurrence:)

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