‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers July 22: Jack Talks To Victor, Kevin Outs Marisa to Noah, Victor Demands Marisa Leave

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for Wednesday July 22, 2015 reveal that although Jack had another seizure the episode brought him out of his coma.  The only person that knows Jack is awake is Stitch and Jack begs him to keep silent to protect his family.  Meanwhile Kevin tells Noah that Marisa is hiding the fact that Marco the drug lord was her lover.

The Wednesday July 22, 2015 episode of Y&R opens with Noah[Robert Adamson] at The Underground looking at an old message from Courtney [Kelly Gross] Mariah [Camryn Grimes] and Kevin [Gregg Rikaart] walk in. Kevin tells Noah they have to talk about Marisa[Sophia Pernas]. It seems Kevin did some checking on Marisa and there is something Kevin has to tell him.

Over with Victor [Eric Braeden] and Marisa Victor says to Marisa, “I thought Jack Abbot[Peter Bergman] was dead that he died in the boat explosion?” Marisa says sarcastically, “Oh the boat explosion I supposedly died in and as you can see I am very much alive and so is Jack.” Marisa tells Victor that Jack set off the explosion as a diversion and that is how they escaped. Marisa tells Victor that she overheard what Marco[Peter Bergman] was up to and Jack insisted on going to the park.

Phyllis [Gina Tognoni] is with Jack and she tells him that Billy [Burgess Jenkins] is digging and asks if Gabe[Justin Hartley]is not his son then Jack’s machine’s start to beep he is having another seizure.

Related: ‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers: Watch The YR Video Preview For Wednesday July 22, 2015 – SEE IT HERE!

Kyle [Lachlan Buchanan] and Summer [Hunter King] come and visit Abby [Melisa Ordway] in the hospital and she tells them she wants Stitch[Sean Carrigan] to come back she is anxious to see him.

Meanwhile, Stitch and Ashley [Eileen Davidson] are still sitting on the park bench talking and Stitch gets a call he has to go back. Ashley tells Stitch there is nothing going on between them. Stitch tells her they can talk later they have a bigger emergency.

Noah asks Kevin why he did a background check on Marisa because she is not a criminal. Mariah admits she asked Kevin to do it. Noah tells them to mind their own business because his fiancé is gone and he can move on with his life.

Mariah tells Noah Marisa is sketchy and she knew it and she had Marisa checked for him. Kevin says, “Maybe Marisa is not going to hurt you but what about the murdering drug lord she is connected to?”

Marisa tells Victor that when Jack came on the cargo ship everyone thought it was Marco. Victor realizes it is Jack in the hospital and asks Marisa where Marco is. Marisa tells him Marco is at the bottom of a lake and he does not have to worry about him anymore. Marisa goes on and says, “You don’t have to worry about the alliance you had with Marco anymore and that you had Marco took Jack’s life for so many months.” Victor says to Marisa, “You are forgetting one thing when Jack comes out of that coma he is going to have one hell of a story to tell.”

Meanwhile, over with Jack Stitch wants to work on getting Jack’s blood pressure down. Phyllis and Ashley are outside looking into Jack’s room and Phyllis is upset she thinks her and Billy pushed Jack too hard. Stitch tells the nurse Jack is stable again but he wants to run more tests. Stitch asks Jack if he can hear him squeeze his hand. Jack opens his eyes and says, “Loud and clear doc!”

Summer tells Abby that she is sure Stitch is on his way back. Kyle thinks Abby wants to break the deal she makes because she gave the workers way too much.

Marisa tells Victor if Jack wakes up no one will believe the story he tells because it will be too unbelievable. Victor warns her not to underestimate Jack Abbott. Marisa asks Victor, “Are you telling me you have to kill him for real to keep him from telling anyone you replaced Jack with Marco?” Victor tells her what happens from now on is not her concern and he wants her to get out of town without a trace and he would take care of her financially. Marisa tells him she is not interested in leaving there are people in Genoa City she cares about. Victor asks her if she means his grandson who has a lot of money?

Related: ‘The Young and the Restless’ News: Jack is Back – 10 Fun Facts You Want To Know About Peter Bergman!

Mariah tells Noah Marisa has been lying to him. Kevin found a connection between Marisa and Marco the drug lord whose DNA they thought they found on the envelope. Noah says Marisa already admitted her ex-boyfriend was connected to Marco. Mariah is pissed. Noah tells Mariah that the DNA was wrong and a mistake and knowing someone does not make you a criminal Marisa wants a new start. Kevin says, “Marisa lied her ex-boyfriend was not connected to Marco Anicelli her ex-boyfriend WAS Marco!”

Stitch tells Jack he cannot guarantee him he is out of the woods but all indications seem to show he is better. Stitch tells Jack that Phyllis and Ashley are going to be thrilled he is conscious and talking. Jack tells Stitch he does not want anyone to know he is worried about his family. Phyllis comes in and asks what is going on. Jack is pretending to still be in the coma.

Kyle and Summer tells Abby to concentrate on getting better. Kyle leaves and Abby asks Summer to go to the office and get the papers Stitch was suppose to. Summer is not pleased. Summer leaves and Abby calls Stitch again. Abby gets up and out of bed and dresses. Abby leaves the hospital.

Phyllis asks if Jack is worse but Stitch says he has stabilized he just thinks Jack just pushed too hard to communicate. Phyllis kisses Jack and tells him she will be back in the morning and leaves. Stitch tells Jack he does not like this but his secret is safe it his right to keep the secret. Jack tells him he won’t have to keep the secret long, it all has to be well planned and he needs a favor from Stitch.

Marisa tells Victor nothing is going on with Noah. Victor is happy. Marisa says she made that mistake once getting involved with someone for the wrong reasons she is not making that mistake again. Victor gets a call, it is Stitch he tells Victor he needs him to come to the hospital because he thinks Victor would help with Jack’s recovery. Victor is shocked and says, “What recovery.” Stitch explains he does not want to get anyone’s hopes up but… Victor agrees to come and tells Marisa they will talk again soon.

Stitch tells Jack Victor is coming, Jack is happy.

Ashley comes to the office and sees Abby. Ashley explains why Stitch did not come and Abby is upset because she left a nasty message.

Kyle comes in to see Jack and tells him he looks better (Jack is pretending to still being in the coma) Kyle tells Jack the family needs him and the company needs him it is a mess.

Noah keeps arguing with Kevin and Noah but Kevin tells him they have verified and Marisa was definitely Marco’s girlfriend. They want to go to the police. Noah tells him that they changed their life and Marisa wants to change hers and he wants to hear what she has to say. Marisa walks in.

Marisa asks what is going on she tells Noah his chicken soup worked and she feels better. Noah asks her to take a walk. After he leaves Mariah tells Kevin Noah is too protective of Marisa and they don’t know what Marisa is capable of.

Phyllis goes to visit Summer she wants to talk to her about Avery’s[Jessica Collins] decision to leave town. Summer is surprised Avery is leaving. Summer asks what is going to happen when Jack is better she is frightened Victor and Jack will start fighting again.

Stitch thanks Victor for coming to the hospital. Kyle sees Victor and gets upset but Stitch tells Kyle Victor is there to see Abby. Stitch and Kyle go to look at Jack’s test results and Victor goes to Jack’s room and goes inside.

Abby is back in the hospital and she asks Ashley not to tell Stitch she left. Stitch comes in and apologizes for not getting there sooner. Abby says it is okay she knows he was helping her Uncle Jack. Abby apologizes for the message she left him and says she should be a better girlfriend.

Mariah asks if he thinks Marisa knows how Marco’s fingerprints got on the envelope. Kevin says he thinks Marisa could lead them to the killer.

Marisa tells Noah he is making her nervous. Noah takes out the papers from Kevin and asks Marisa if it is true. He asks Marisa if she has been lying to her. Marisa tells Noah she has been shading the truth but for the first time she thinks that she can trust someone. Noah tells her she can trust him and Marisa says, “The truth is Marco and I WERE lovers. But he is in my past.” Noah says, “End of story then.” Marisa responds, “Not quite!”

Victor is in Jack’s hospital room and he looks at Jack and says, “Is the girl telling the truth is it really you Jack.” Jack opens his eyes and says, “You bet your ass it is.”

That is it “The Young and the Restless” fans! What do you think Jack plans to say to Victor?  What is Victor going to say to Jack to get out of the mess he is in?  Does Marisa really like Noah?  Is Abby going to discover that Stitch is not interested in her anymore?

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below, on our Facebook Page, or join our Facebook Group for Discussion.

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Soap Sudz

Jackson is my undercover soapy name that allows me access to hot secrets and spoilers that no other site gets its hands on. In my past life I worked in Hollywood as a writer so I know exactly how the soap game is played. Now that I’m retired I help out Annemarie with the amazing Soap Opera Spy site.

Published by
Soap Sudz

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