“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for Monday August 3, 2015 reveal that Phyllis is devastated with the news that she was living with a fake Jack for months. Jack tries to calm her down but Phyllis is determined to get revenge on Victor. Meanwhile, Kevin catches Marisa and Victor in the park having a secret conversation. Nick proposes to Sage.
The Monday August 3, 2015 episode of “Y&R” opens with Phyllis [Gina Tognoni] and Jack [Peter Bergman] in Istanbul. Phyllis does not understand and Jack tells her it is going to be hard to understand but someone took over his life. Jack says, ‘this man completely took over my life he looked just like me.” Phyllis says, “How could that be?” Jack replies, “With the help of the son-of-bitch that put it in motion.”
Marisa [Sophia Pernas] is in the park and Victor [Eric Braeden]comes in he is not pleased about being summoned. Marisa tells Victor that the Scooby Doo gang found Marco’s [Peter Bergman] car and Marco was not in it. Marisa looks at Victor and says, “My God, you knew!” Victor winks at her.
Mariah [Camryn Grimes]tells Abby [Melissa Ordway] and Summer [Hunter King]that Kevin [Gregg Rikaart] and her went to the police. Abby and Summer are shocked because they were suppose to keep quiet. Mariah tells her they found out Marco did not die her and Kevin went to the Lake and checked. Abby thinks Marisa lied but Noah[Robert Adamason] says Marisa did not know. Noah tells them they have to relax and calm down. Mariah tells Noah not to speak to loud there is a creepy guy watching us.
Billy [Burgess Jenkins] comes into The Underground and he is looking for Gabriel [Justin Hartley]. Billy tells Sage[Kelly Sullivan]he has to find Chelsea [Melissa Claire Egan] she is gone and he is hoping Gabriel knows where she is.
Victoria [Amelia Heinle] and Ashley [Eileen Davidson] are bickering and Nick[Joshua Morrow] tries to get them to calm down. Ashley asks Nick why he is interfering and Nick says he is sticking around.
Jack [Peter Bergman] explains to Phyllis, “Victor became aware of a plan called the Paragon Project, he thought I was behind it so he struck the first blow to protect his company. I was not behind it and he had me kidnapped and put my double in my place. The double has been masquerading as me for months, right after we took our vows.” Phyllis is devastated and sobbing. She sobs, “OMG, all this time, him and me…”
Sage asks Billy what he means about Chelsea and Billy says she left a strange message saying she needed some time alone. Billy is worried about Conner too.
Nick tells Ashley she has the wrong idea he is not his father’s pawn. Ashley tells him she feels sorry for him for staying and the only way to make things better is to cut out the caner at the top.
Victor wants to know who else is looking for Marco and Marisa tells him the GCPD is looking for him. Victor asks if she told the police that Marco looks like Jack and that Victor was involved in kidnaping Jack. Victor says, “If you do as I say and keep your mouth shut you will be okay, if you open your mouth…. Have a good day.”
The Scooby Doo gang is freaking that they think there is a man watching them. Noah says it is not and gets up to speak to the man. Noah finds out the man is a cop sent by Det. Harding [Chris McKenna] to watch them. Mariah says, “ At this point everyone looks suspicious.”
Kevin goes to the GCPD and tells Det. Harding that he saw Marisa and Victor Newman in the park talking. Harding wants to know if he heard what they said and Kevin says, “NO but Victor looked like he was going to burst a vein.” Marisa comes in to the GCPD and says, “You texted me Det. Harding what did you want?” Harding says he wants a physical description of Marco.
Phyllis says it is all starting to make sense. She now understands what he meant by 2 of them. Jack tells her the twin’s name is Marco Anicelli. Phyllis wants to know where he is.
Victoria tells Nick it was a tough decision but he decided to do it. A man shows up and Victoria says, “I think you have exactly what my brother is looking for!”
Nick tells the man it was a pleasure doing business with him. The man leaves and Nick has a ring box. Billy walks up and asks who their friend was? Nick says he has to leave. Billy asks Victoria what Nick is up to.
Phyllis wants to know where Marco is. Jack says Marco is dead and Phyllis says she wishes she did it. Phyllis asks if Jack shot Marco and Jack says No Victor shot him first. Phyllis is pissed because once again Victor is in charge and Marco is dead .
Ashley is freaked she thinks Nick and Victoria are keeping secrets. Victor walks in and says there are no secrets.
Harding tells Kevin that Marisa is the only person who can give a description of Marco. Marisa gives them Marco’s picture and he looks nothing like Marco.
Kevin looks at the picture and he is surprised he thinks the photo Marisa did is too normal (the photo she drew is the captain from the ship Jack was on) Harding tells Noah he and his friends are safe they are being watched.
Marisa comes in and Sage tells her she does not have to work because The Underground was booked for a private party. Sage tells her she had a call and the man left a message. He said, “He would catch up with you sooner or later.” Marisa leaves and Nick comes in.
Nick and Sage kiss, they exchange pleasantries and Sage says no one has showed up yet for the private party and Nick tells her the private party is for them.
Ashley asks Victor if he is packing and Victor says he does not carry a gun. Ashley continues to grill Victor about Jack and Victor asks Ashley where all the hostility is coming from.
Jack tries to calm down Phyllis and tells her it is complicated to get revenge on Victor. Phyllis does not understand why Victor is not in jail; she does not understand why Jack lied to the police. Jack tells Phyllis he did things to get back to her and the things he did to get back were criminal. Jack tells Phyllis, “I think I murdered Kelly.” Phyllis replies, “GOOD!”
Kevin shows the Scooby Doo gang the photo of Marco that Marisa drew and the gang are glad that they now know what Marco looks like but Kevin tells Noah he is still not satisfied he wants to know why Marisa met with Victor in secret in the park.
Jack tells Phyllis his mind was so riddled with drugs he did not know what end was up and one morning he woke up and Kelly was stabbed. However, he does not remember doing it. Phyllis says it was self-defense. Jack says, “there was more to it he stowed away in a Cargo ship where the Captain was a rival of Marco and it was clear I was going to be executed. The only think I could do was light a fire that caused an explosion and many people died.” Phyllis tells him he had to do what he had to do. Jack tells her he had help, Marisa helped him. Phyllis thinks Marisa had an agenda but Jack tells Phyllis Marisa was on his side.
Phyllis is furious she tells Jack, “You are asking me to let Victor get away with this?”
Billy is in the park with Victoria and Johnny. Victoria is relaxed and happy and Billy tells her this is just what he needed.
Sage and Nick are dancing and kissing he wants to know what she thinks of the private party. Nick tells her she has seen nothing yet. Nick tells her it is time to take the next step. Sage asks, “What next step?” Nick gets on his knees and opens the ring box and says, “Sage Warner would you do me the honor to become my wife?” Sage is speechless. Nick tells her he wants to build a life with her he think they belong right there with each other. Sage agrees to marry him.
Abby is mad at Ashley she wants to give Victor the benefit of the doubt and Ashley tells Abby Victor is playing them.
Mariah tells Kevin that Marisa has Noah completely whipped. Summer defends Victor and tells them he has nothing to do with Marco and she tells Kevin and Marisa they disgust her. Mariah asks Kevin if she thinks the photo is Marco and Kevin says, “Absolutely NOT!”
Noah comes to visit Marisa and asks her if she is expecting his grandfather. Noah wants to know what Victor and her talked about. Marisa tells Noah that Victor warned her to stay away from him. Noah does not look pleased.
Det. Harding comes up to the bar at The Athletic Club and Victor asks him if he wants a drink. Harding says he is on duty so no he gives the bartender a photo and tells him if you see this man give me a call right away.
After Harding leaves Victor picks up the paper and the man next to him says, “Thought you said he looked like Jack Abbott?” Victor says, “Obviously it does not but whatever happened maybe it will give us the time to find the real Marco Anicelli before the cops do!” The man asks what he should do when he finds Marco and Victor tells him, “You leave that to me, okay?”
Jack tells Phyllis the last thing he wants is for Victor to get away what he did. Jack tells Phyllis, “We will win but we have to work together.” Phyllis is furious, “She tells Jack there is one person who has to answer for this and she is going to see that he does.”
That is it “The Young and the Restless” fans! What do you think Phyllis is going to do to Victor? Do you think Jack has feelings for Marisa? Is Marco going to show up or is Victor going to get to him first?
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