The Young and the Restless spoilers for March 31, 2015 reveal that Nick will confront Victor about the Sondra Allen cover-up. Nikki will grow more and more suspicious of what Victor is up too, someone gets a proposal and Jabot mainframes get hacked.
Today’s episode of Y & R opens with Sharon [Sharon Case] and Dylan. [Steve Burton] Dylan tells Sharon he did not sleep because he was guarding Sharon, but things were quiet. Sharon is happy he stayed she slept well knowing he was there.
Summer [Hunter King] and Noah [Robert Adamson] are discussing what they know. Summer tells Noah she does not believe what Sharon said about Nick was true about Sondra Allen. Noah tells her that he believes Sharon because she was pretty clear about all the details and he believes Sharon was telling the truth about Nick. [Joshua Morrow] Summer then let Noah know she wants to talk to Nick but Noah warns her not too. He cautions her that it is risky and if she tells Nick will know about the documentary what Sharon said… Summer hates thinking her Dad could have done what Sharon said.
Nick goes to see his father, Victor [Eric Braeden], he wants Victor to tell him the truth. Victor is confused and Nick asks Victor about the party he had at the ranch when he was younger if Victor remembers it. Victor wants to know what the point of the conversation is and Nick tells him he wants to know what he did that night!
Nikki [Melody Thomas Scott] and Victoria [Amelia Heinle] show up while Chelsea [Melissa Claire Egan] and Billy [Burgess Jenkins] are having breakfast Victoria congratulates them on their engagement. Victoria and Nikki leave and Nikki tells Victoria she was gracious … Nikki is surprised Victoria is happy about the engagement.
Chelsea tells Billy she thought it was nice of Victoria to be happy for them but mentions maybe they should have told Victoria the wedding has been postponed.
Billy lets Chelsea know Victoria would still be happy for them unlike Gabe who danced a dance of glee when he found out they were postponing the wedding.
Gabe/Adam [Justin Hartley] comes to Jabot and Sage [Kelly Sullivan] is there, she tells Gabe/Adam Mr. Tipton called and wants to know when they are moving back to their condo. Gabe/Adam pulls her aside and tells her to keep her voice down.
Gabe calls Billy he tells him there is an emergency at Jabot and he and Chelsea needs to get to Jabot ASAP!
When they leave Nikki tells Victoria she is glad they left now Victoria won’t be distracted. Victoria admits that Billy and Chelsea’s engagement does bother her. But she needs to stop letting her get to it. Victoria asks Nikki if she is happy the charges have been dropped for Christine’s car accident. Victoria then asks Nikki if she is drinking. Nikki assures her she is clean and sober. Victoria wants to know if Nikki knows Victor wants Jabot and Nikki says she is worried because what Victor wants, Victor gets and she is worried just how far he will go to get it.
Nick tells Victor he always taught him to step up and own what he did and now Victor did something like this. Victor asks, “what? Wait, wait a minute, that is about the girl who had a diving accident?” Nick responds, “it was my fault and it cost her everything.” Victor wants to know why Nick is talking the way he is? He then tells Nick, “the girl said she had made the decision on her own to take that dive.” Nick tells Victor that he always wondered why Sondra did not blame him. Nick then asks Victor how much it cost him to bribe the whole family. Victor tells him, “I will not discuss it now! He did it to protect Nick. He did it to protect the girls family, they thanked Victor for all he did. Victor thinks Nick should thank him too. Nick asks what he should thank him for. Victor says, “I protected your future!” Nick resonds, “A future you bought and paid for.” Victor is angry and says, “You would have done nothing different for your children now.”
Dylan understand why Sharon feels better now that Nick has agreed to let her see Faith more. Dylan is leaving and offers to come back later. Sharon tells him she has no idea how to thank him for standing by her and believing in her. Dylan says Sharon is a survivor and she will always be able to take care of herself. One thing Dylan does not want to know is what she is holding over Nick.
Sage tells Gabe/Adam she knows his entire life is about getting Chelsea back but they better decided what they are telling Mr. Tipton because it is Gabe/Adam who wants to keep the fake marriage up. Gabe/Adam tells Chelsea sleeping with his brother is probably going to send more red flags up then the not moving back to their fire smelling apt. Sage asks if he thinks she likes sneaking around? Chelsea and Billy walk in and Sage tells them she has to go.
Billy wants to know where Jack [Peter Bergman] is because if it is a crisis Jack should be there. Gabe/Adam says he did not want to bother Jack and he thinks Billy would like to handle it because it has to do with his ex-wife Victoria. Gabe/Adam then informs them someone hacked into Jabot’s mainframe and he thinks Victoria knows who did it.
Victoria tells Nikki she knows how Victor can be when he wants something and Nikki agrees that is what bothers her because Victor is not going to give up. Victoria asks Nikki if she thinks Victor would try to steal Jabot. Nikki does not think so but Victor did say that someday Jack would come begging for Victor’s help and Victor would help him in exchange for all Jack had. Nikki thinks the war between Jack and Victor was going to start again. Victoria agrees Victor is never going to change.
(Victor and Nick discussing the diving accident) Nick wants to know if Victor really thinks what he did helped any? Victor is confused it was a long time ago and the family has been taken care of for the rest of their lives and Nick has a future so what does it matter. Nick says it is a future he did not deserve. Victor asks if they all have what they deserve. Victor wants to know why he is bringing it up now and Nick tells him Sharon told him. Victor tells Nick he hopes he is glad he has gotten Sharon out of Nick’s life. But Nick says this ties Sharon to him forever now. Victor asks Nick if he knows how much damage Sharon has done to their family and he will see Sharon stays away from Nick. Nick stops him and says, “NO.” Victor then tells Nick they should forget their conversation, but Nick says “I may be able to stop talking about it but I will never forget!”
Courtney [Kelly Gross] tells the Scooby Doo gang says she found a report about Sondra Allen and the fact that she broke her neck in the swimming pool at the Newman Ranch but there was no mention of Nick. Summer is happy because she thinks that proves Nick did nothing but Courtney says or, “ Maybe Victor paid to keep Nick’s name out of it.” There is a knock at door.
Dylan shows up. He wanted to talk the Scooby Doo gang and let them know he knows everything Abby told him. Noah is concerned he is going to the cops because if he does they are all going to jail. Dylan tells them they have to do something because Sharon is involved now. Dylan is shocked when they reveal that Kyle [Lachlan Buchanan] left Sharon the message. Dylan is furious and goes after Kyle but Noah stops him and says Kyle knows it was wrong. Dylan calls Kyle a punk and asks what he was thinking. Kyle tells Dylan he was trying to force Sharon to say she killed Austin so the interview would never be shown.
Nick shows up at Sharon’s house with Faith. Faith is excited because she gets to spend time with her Mom. Faith goes to put her stuff away and Sharon tells Nick he won’t regret it. Nick says he already regrets it and is thinking of going to the police and telling them everything. Sharon tells him if it does it will open a whole can of worms.
Courtney tells the Scooby Doo gang and Dylan that Sondra Allen was definitely injured at the ranch. It is definitely how Sharon said. Noah does not think either Sharon or Nick killed Austin. Summer agrees it could not have been Nick he was under rubble and Kyle accuses Sharon again but Noah tells him to lay off Sharon. Dylan tells Kyle to let it go all of it and forget it all. Dylan warns the gang if they don’t back off one of them may get hurt.
Dylan lets them know he can handle the situation because the person threatening them does not know Dylan knows anything. Kyle says sarcastically, “and you are going to go to Paul, that does not work for me.” Dylan says forcefully to Kyle, “Maybe I did not make myself clear, BACK OFF!” Kyle, “and let you play Rambo?” Dylan, “Your lies made this mess and I’m going to do my best to clean it up. Stay out of my way!” Dylan leaves.
Gabe/Adam tells Billy and Chelsea the hacker used something called a root kit to hack into the main frame and once they got in they saw sensitive material, they got Chelsea’s latest designs. Chelsea is upset and Billy says it smells like Victor. Gabe/Adam agrees Victor is always up to something and Victor doesn’t care who he hurts, as long as he gets what he wants. Gabe/Adam tells Billy they cannot let Victor get away with it. Billy agrees he is not going to let him get away with it. Chelsea implies Victoria might be involved but Billy tells her NO way. Billy leaves.
Chelsea asks Gabe/Adam if it is painful dredging up old memories of his father losing his business. Gabe/Adam tells Chelsea that his father did not lose his company it was stolen and he lost his life too.
Victor is on the phone with the mystery person and says, “I will leave the information in the usual place, I will text you when I get there alright. You will retrieve it immediately and call me when you have it okay.”
Nikki comes in and tells Victor her breakfast with Victoria was interesting. Victor tells her they can discuss it when he gets back he has business to handle. Nikki is suspicious.
Nick is upset because he thinks Sharon is talking about joint custody but Sharon tells him she is happy, “for now “. Dylan shows up and Faith and Sharon go to make cookies. Nick comments Dylan has been spending a lot of time at the house and he is grateful because Sharon has been a bit off. Dylan tells Nick Sharon would never hurt Faith and Nick tells him he has no choice lately but to lets Sharon see Faith.
Noah tells the Scooby Doo gang Dylan is right they have to move on and stop obsessing about Austin’s murder. Noah thinks the mystery stalker must know they are not going to the cops. Noah tells them all he is moving on with his life no matter what they do. Courtney and Noah leave for Crimson Lights.
Summer says she cannot forget that there is a murder out there who killed her husband. Kyle assures her he will take care of her and keep her safe. Kyle admits to Summer he came back for her.
Gabe/Adam has had all the passwords reset he is determined to keep Jabot safe and tells Chelsea Jack needs someone like him someone who will play dirty he says he learned from the best, his father. His father was the master and his father and him had a complicated relationship. Chelsea says she can relate her father Jeffrey [Ted Shakelford] had a complicated relationship too.
Gabe/Adam asks Chelsea if she was worried about Billy being upset about the wedding delay for nothing. As a matter of face Gabe/Adam notice how fast Billy jumped to Victoria’s defense. Gabe/Adam wonders if perhaps Billy has things to work out too.
Billy is with Victoria and Victoria is surprised he came to her and told her about the hack. Victoria asks if Billy thinks she is involved and Billy says NO but I do think Victor is involved. Billy wants Victoria to find out if Victor is involved but Victoria refuses to spy on Victor.
Noah and Courtney are at Crimson Lights having coffee. Courtney tells him since they stopped talking about Austin’s murder there is a lull in the conversation. Noah wants to talk about “them” He reminds her when he gave her a key to his apartment and how a lot has happened and Austin’s death has made him think about life. Courtney wants to know what it has to do with them. Noah says he thought hanging with his friends and Courtney was enough. He does not want regret. Noah tells Courtney she is the best thing that ever happened to him.
He gets on his knees takes out a box shows her a huge diamond and asks, “Will you marry me?” Courtney says, “OMG” and Noah says, “is that a YES?” Courtney says, “Yes yes I will marry you” and they kiss.
At the underground Nick is reading up on Sondra and the accident and takes the laptop he was reading it on and smashes it into the wall Sage walks in and tells him he should not be hurling things against the wall. Sage then says, “you spent a lot of money putting the Underground back together again.” Nick responds, “Money cannot buy everything despite what people think.” Sage, “what is going on Nick?” Nick says, “What do you care?” Sage looks shocked and says, “Excuse me, I am your friend.” Nick, “You don’t even know me, I am just another entitled rich guy you latched on too. Was that your angle?” Sage looks really shocked, “My angle?” Nick says, “Yes, everyone has one, find the richest man in town and get what you can from him. First there was Bingo and now me.” Sage cuts him off, “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS!” Nick, “If it is not money you are after in this relationship, what is it?” Sage, “I don’t know yet, I thought it was the same thing you are after, apparently I was wrong.” Sage turns around to leave. Nick says “Sage wait!”
Chelsea defends Billy to Gabe/Adam and says, “Victoria is the mother of Billy’s children of course he is going to defend her” and Gabe/Adam agrees. Gabe/Adam comments that it is good Billy and Chelsea are not going to rush into their marriage.
Gabe/Adam then tells Cheslea he is sure Billy will find it is Victor behind the hacking. Chelsea tells Gabe/Adam, “ then it will not be over because Victor does not give up.” Chelsea leaves and Gabe/Adam says to himself, “Well that runs in the family.”
Victor text messages someone, “Package ready for pickup” Victor puts the envelope in the confessional and a black gloved hand picks it up.
Kyle tells Summer Austin did not deserve her but Summer says she loved Austin. Kyle says he came back to stop her from ever being hurt again. Summer thanks him for looking out for her and tells Kyle he has always been her protector. Summer says he is like a big brother and Kyle tells her he does not want her to see him like that.
Dylan, Sharon and Faith are playing Monopoly. Sharon goes to get the cookies and Dylan picks up a card and says, “Cars stuck in the woods what do you do” Faith says, “Just like momma’s was that night.” Dylan says, “What night” and Faith replies, “The night of the snowstorm when all the lights went out.” Dylan says, “You mean when her car slid off the road?” Faith, “Before that we were driving around and we drove through the woods.” Dylan looks surprised and Sharon walks in and says the cookies are fresh out of the oven. Faith says yummy. Dylan looks thoughtful.
Sage asks Nick what he wants to say. Nick apologizes and says he is a jerk. Sage tells him, “that is a start and you cannot talk to me that way.” Nick says he did not mean those things about her and Sage says, “You are right I am with you because I want something I want a refuge, a safe haven from the secrets it is not by chance I chose a nice guy like you.” Nick tells her he has secrets too, deep dark ones. Nick says he doesn’t know who to trust anymore. Sage assures Nick he can trust her. They embrace.
Victoria asks Billy if he believes her that she had nothing to do with the hacking. Billy agrees he believes her and if Victor wants a war with the Abbott’s they are ready and not going to back down. Billy promises, No more putting Victoria in the middle. Victoria is glad it will not affect “US” and makes Billy promise. Billy tells Victoria, “careful we don’t want a repeat of last night!” and Chelsea walks in overhears and asks, “What happened last night?”
A gloved hand pulls a paper out of the envelope Victor left and it is a sheet of paper with fingerprints on it. The camera slowly pans up to the Face of the person and it is…Nikki! She followed Victor she wants to know what is going on!
Gabe/Adam comes into Jack’s office at Jabot and the chair is turned and he says, “Jack, thank God you are back there has been a security breach at Jabot and I’m handling it.” The chair turns around and it is Victor and Gabe/Adam says, “What the hell are you doing here?”
That is it SOSers another great episode! After Faith’s reveal what do you think Sharon was doing in the woods? Who do you think hacked Jabot, was it Victor? What do you think the sheet of fingerprints was Nikki intercepted? What is Victor going to do when he finds out Nikki took the envelope out of the confessional?
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