‘The Young and the Restless’ spoilers reveal that the March 25 episode has one Y&R stud brooding and bitter but another rekindles love and hope. Stitch reacts to news of Kelly’s death by alienating his nearest and dearest while Gabe’s heart soars as he listens Chelsea praise Adam.
Today’s episode of Y & R show opens with Victoria [Amelia Heinle] and her brother Nick [Joshua Morrow], Nick is impressed with the good job that they are doing on preparing the Underground. He thinks they are going to be done in a couple of weeks and this time he has a good contractor. Victoria comments to Nick that Dad saved Jack [Peter Bergman] at the club and she knows he is up to something, she does not know what it is but she knows he is up to something. Nick laughs and says, “so much for the truce back to the same old same old.” Victoria replies, “No, that is just it Nick it is not the same old thing but something is up.”
Jack [Peter Michael Bergman] is having coffee at the Athletic Club with Phyllis [Gina Tognoni], she is concerned and asks if he got any sleep. Jack tells her he just cannot stop thinking of Kelly [Cady Mc Clain] and how despondent she had to be to take her own life. Phyllis says she has been a shadow on us and she still is in death.
Jack sees Stitch [Sean Carrigan] come in with Abby [Melissa Ordway] he tells Phyllis he has to tell Stitch about Kelly. Jack goes over to Stitch and tells him he has news and it is better he hears from him, “Kelly is dead.” Stitch gasps, “NO!” Abby asks what happened and Phyllis pipes up and tells Stitch Kelly took her own life
Chelsea [Melissa Claire Egan] is with Gabe/Adam [Justin Hartley] and Sage [ [Kelly Sullivan] she excuses herself she is going to see Ken Rich about having her things in his store. Gabe/Adam offers to go, he knows the man and they can team up. Gabe/Adam tells Chelsea they would be dynamite together. Sage does not look happy. (Actually when is she)
Billy [Burgess Jenkins] congratulates Ashley [Eileen Davidson] on the HEX roll out. Ashley tells Billy it is fantastic all of the stores have already re-ordered. Ashley says, “women are starting to realize the pull the scent has on their men and they are seeing it is not hype.” Billy tells her he is proud of her. Billy tells Ashley that he and Chelsea are going to at a wedding venue. Ashley is surprised because she felt Chelsea wanted to wait.
Ashley asks Billy if he is eager to tie the knot because the sooner he ties it the sooner he can put Victoria behind him. Billy wants to know why Ashley is bringing up doubts, why can’t she be happy for him. Ashley wants to make sure Billy is getting married for all the right reasons. Billy is not happy both Ashley and Jack are second guessing him. He thinks they should just be happy for him.
Sage tells Gabe/Adam she is not sure he should horn in on Chelsea’s meeting. Gave/Adam tells Sage she has no idea how the business works, he and Chelsea have the same goals and he can help her attain them. Chelsea says it sounds reasonable. She goes to get her portfolio.
Sage asks Gabe/Adam what his plan is. Gabe/Adam says he has a surprise for Chelsea. Sage feels it is sad Gabe/Adam has to trick Chelsea. Gabe/Adam asks what should he do, “watch Billy sweep her off her feet and marry her.” Sage tells Gabe he is not married, Adam Newman is legally DEAD. Gabe/Adam exclaims, “I am not Adam Newman, I am Gabriel Bingham.” Sage, replies, “no you are not, you are not even close! “
Stitch says Kelly would never kill herself, Jack tells Stitch when Kelly left the country Victor sent one of his minions. Stitch is not pleased and goes to leave. Phyllis tells Stitch she did not believe till she saw the picture. Stitch wants to see it and Phyllis takes it out and Stitch grabs it. Stitch gets upset and asks HOW? Jack explains to Stitch it was an overdose of barbiturates. Stitch says it could have been an accident, but Jack tells him she left a note and he is sorry. An angry Stitch responds, “You’re sorry? That is what you have to say?”
Victoria tells Nick that after they made a big announcement about a new fragrance and the launch of Brash and Sassy Dad pulled the plug with no warning and then he wants her to look into Jabot and find what their weakness is. Nick is surprised and says that ship has sailed. Nick tells her the more she tells him the happier he is he got out of Newman Enterprises when he did.
Victoria gets a call it is Abby she tells Victoria to come to the club Stitch needs her.
Stitch is not happy he accuses Jack of driving Kelly to her death. Phyllis says Stitch is in shock. Stitch agrees Kelly had troubles and Phyllis and Jack were two of them. Jack picked her up and tossed her away. Although Stitch is clearly distressed, Jack cannot shut up and says, “Stitch I want you to know there was a time when your sister meant a great deal…..” Stitch starts screaming, “Enough, Enough….” Jack and Phyllis leave while Stitch sobs.
Abby Stitch what she can do… Stitch tells her what is there to do his sister is gone. Victoria walks in.
Victoria comes over to Stitch and tries to comfort him and says, “OMG I am so sorry I know that Kelly was trouble but I had no idea.” Stitch goes nuts and screams, “WHY, WHY WHY does everyone keep blaming Kelly? Life dealt her a bad hand and all anyone did was use and exploit her. First your husband and then his brother.”
Ashley wants Billy to assure her that his wedding to Chelsea is nothing to do with Victoria. Chelsea comes in to get her portfolio she needs it for Clayton Department Stores. Billy asks her if she has an appointment how is she getting back for their appointment? Chelsea is confused and asks what appointment? Billy reminds her they have a meeting at the wedding venue and then the caterer. Chelsea has forgotten all about it.
Sage tells Gabe it kills her when he calls himself Gabriel. Gabriel was never like Adam, he never used trickery or malice he fell in love. Adam tells Sage he has heard the glories of St. Gabriel before and he is sick of it. Adam tells her he has one advantage over St. Gabriel he is alive and St. Gabriel is dead and gone. Sage is furious and hits him.
Sage calls him a selfish bastard and Adam tells her he appreciates everything Gabriel did for him but Sage knew Adam had his own agenda when they agreed he would take Gabriel’s place. Sage rants, “you will never take his place, you may have his inheritance, his face but you will never be his equal. Gabe was full of love and joy but you are a mean and bitter man. You say you love Chelsea but you don’t know what love is. You are a coward, you didn’t even have the guts to go back and take responsibility for killing a little girl.!!” Adam is pissed too and comes right back at her, “you think you know me? You don’t know me Sage you never will. I’m a man going after my wife and my child and you can sit here and fantasize about your fake dead husband but he is never coming back and even if he did come back he wouldn’t want you. He fell in and out of love so easily he never loved you. You want to hit me again?” He leaves!!!
Chelsea tells Billy they made the appointment a while ago and they agreed to postpone the wedding date, so she thought they postponed the appointments too. Chelsea half-heartedly offers to reschedule with the buyer. Billy says NO, he will reschedule it will be easier. Chelsea thanks him and says she has to go Gabe is picking her up. Billy says, “GABE?” Chelsea explains Gabe had a meeting with the same buyer and it did not make sense to take 2 cars.
Chelsea leaves and Billy looks at Ashley and says,”WHAT?” Ashley says, “NOTHING!”
Victoria tells Stitch she would never blame Kelly, she knows how much Stitch loved her. Victoria apologizes and Stitch meanly tells Victoria to stop trying to put a smile on his face his sister is on a slab. Victoria keeps going on… and Stitch tells her to stop, he really knows how Victoria felt about Kelly and she is not the perfect person to be consoling him. Victoria tells him she really wants to be there for him but realizes he does not want her there and leaves.
Abby runs after her and tells Victoria that Stitch is still in shock. Abby says she is sorry. Abby promises not to let Stitch do anything stupid and she says Stitch just needs time. St. Abby runs back to Stitch she puts her hands on his arm arms and Victoria watches.
Phyllis tells Jack she cannot believe Stitch blamed them; it was Kelly’s fault. Jack tells Phyllis it was not Kelly’ s fault it was his fault. Phyllis tells him if he blames himself for Kelly’s death one more time she is walking out the door! Phyllis has had enough of the pity party.
St. Abby and Stitch are talking. Stitch tells Abby he was not nice to Victoria and Abby says Victoria won’t hold it against you. Stitch asks Abby to tell the truth and Abby says I always do. (we all know that is a lie) Abby finally agrees Stitch was an ass to Victoria. Stitch does not think he should be around people and tells Abby he wants to be alone. Abby tells him he is stuck with her he is her bodyguard. Stitch start whining about how he wishes Kelly never met any of the Abbott’s and she might still be here today. Abby tells him he has the right to be as mad as he wants but if he is going to be mad he should make sure who he is mad at.
Ashley tells Billy she fells Billy and Chelsea are not on the same page, Chelsea wants a long engagement and Billy wants to get married fast. Billy says they just have their wires crossed. Billy tells Ashley one thing he is not pleased about is Gabriel driving Chelsea but he is part of the landscape lately and he is just going to have to man up and deal with it.
Sage comes in to see Nick. Nick asks her what she thinks of the reconstruction; she tells him he did a good job. Nick who sees Sage is upset asks what did Gabe do now? Sage says she does not want to talk about Gabriel and she really never wants to see him face again. Nick tells Sage the guy is good at heart. Sage tells him the Bingo he knows from boarding school is GONE and so is the one she wanted to help. Nick says, “GONE? What are you talking about.”
Gabe/Adam stops the car and Chelsea asks him why he stopped. Gabe/Adam tells her he pulled over because the engine stopped he does not know what happened he thinks they might have run out of gas. Gabe/Adam says it does not make sense because the engine reads they have 1/4 of a tank, it must be broken or something. Chelsea does not believe that can be the case and she tells Gabe/Adam she cannot be late for the meeting.
Gabe/Adam promises to take care of it, he tells Chelsea, “this is a Jabot car and I am calling the auto club, they will send a car right away.” Chelsea is concerned because they are in the middle of nowhere. Gabe promised to take care of it and apologizes. Chelsea tells him it is okay it is not his fault.
Jack and Phyllis are still arguing. Phyllis does not want to hear one more word about Kelly. Kelly tortured her when she was alive and she is not going to let her torture her from the grave. Phyllis tells him if, “If you want to wail and gnash your teeth you are going to have to do that alone.” Jack says WOAH wait! Trying to calm Phyllis down.
Stitch asks Abby if she is going to tell him who he is mad at? He gets mad and tells her he doesn’t need this, especially from you. He accuses Abby of not even knowing him. Abby says she does know him better than he realizes. Abby tells Stitch he was a total ass to Victoria because it is easier than being honest with himself. Abby tells Stitch who he is really mad at is Kelly, he is furious with her for not telling him how she was feeling. Kelly cut him out and made the ultimate decision. Stitch agrees she is RIGHT, Kelly was all the family he had left, he does not understand why she did not come to him and let him help
Victoria is at home upset and Billy comes in, he asks her what is going on? Victoria tells him Kelly is dead. Billy is shocked he wants to know how it happened and he is shocked she killed herself! Victoria tells Billy to call Jack for details. Billy comments on how Kelly’s life was so tragic. Victoria tells Billy Stitch is taking it really really hard. Billy tells Victoria she always knows how to say the right thing and Victoria says she wishes that was true. She has no idea how to comfort Stitch.
Chelsea tells Gabe/Adam Sage was right! Sage told Chelsea she would regret not eating breakfast and now she will miss lunch. Gabe/Adam has energy bars for Chelsea. Chelsea tells Gabe/Adam it is funny the brand of the energy bars are the ones Adam was addicted too. Chelsea then mentions it is quiet where they are peaceful and beautiful.
Gabe/Adam says Chelsea surprises him, she strikes him as a city girl and they are in farm country and she is happy. Chelsea tells Gabe/Adam, “it reminds me of Kansas where Adam grew up and he took me there for our first wedding. It was wonderful, a time when anything seemed possible.” Chelsea then tells Gabe/Adam about her second wedding to Adam, she realizes now he was trying to rush her not marriage to get out of the country. Adam tells Chelsea, it is wonderful he is getting to know him better.
Gabe/Adam asks Chelsea, “what is it you loved about Adam because it seems everyone else hated him?”
Sage tells Nick she is sorry she married Gabe/Adam so he could get his inheritance. Gabe/Adam use to be a pleasant person now he is not anymore and she really does not want to talk about Gabe.
Nick asks Sage what she wants to do – Sage says she wants to drink and dance. It is too soon to dance because the place is a mess and there is no music but Nick tells her they can drink. They look at each other and they start to dance. (waltz) While Nick and Sage are dancing Sage tells him she feels much better. She asks him if it is just her or is there no music playing? Nick tells her music is overrated and they start to kiss.
Jack tells Phyllis not to leave him, she left him once and it broke his heart in two he does not want to feel what he is feeling. He does not want her to think his heart is not with her. He wants them to enjoy the life they planned.
Stitch asks Abby, “why would Kelly would come to me, I was the one who put up all the walls, I was not there for her once Sam died. I knew Kelly was struggling. I regret this and I want to go back and do things differently.”
Ashley comes in and she sees Stitch and Abby sitting in an intimate looking position. She watches them leave.
Billy tells Victoria the only reason she could not get thorough to him when Delia died is because he would not let her. Victoria tells Billy everything she said to Stitch was wrong, she cannot talk to Stitch the way she talks to Billy, she is still trying to figure out who Stitch is and how they fit together. Billy tells her he is going through the same thing with Chelsea.
Chelsea responds to Gabe/Adam’s question, “some of the things that people found most difficult with Adam is what made him the most special for me. He could be very intense it was almost frightening at times but to have that kind of intense energy all focused on me was overwhelming.” Gabe/Adam asks, “Overwhelming in a good way, right?” Chelsea replies, “Yes, I felt so loved and protected, I never for one second doubted that I was the most important thing in Adam’s life. Connor and I were everything to him, we were his world we completed him and I really thought I had the potential to fix him you know?” Gabe asks, “Do you think that is possible for one person to fix what is wrong with another? Do you think its possible?” Chelsea relies, “I did with Adam or at least thought I had a whole lifetime to try. SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE I AM CHEATING ON HIM BEING WITH BILLY. I know Adam would not approve, its crazy I know he is dead but sometimes I feel like he is still here watching.” Gabe says “HE IS HERE!!!”
That is it SOSers another great episode tomorrow. Is Billy starting to question being with Chelsea, he certainly seemed to be getting cozy with Victoria today. Does Sage really love Nick or is she just using him? What do you think of the Chelsea/Adam conversation? Do you think Adam is ready to reveal himself? As usual hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.
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