‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers March 23: Sharon’s Fight With Austin Exposed, Kelly Escapes, Ashley Suspicious Of Stitch, Jack Suspects Victor

‘The Young and the Restless’ spoilers for March 23 show Y&R fans that dreams of violence may augur poorly for the dreamer. In this revealing episode we see Victor’s plot move forward, Kelly escape and Sharon reveal shocking info regarding Austin and his diabolical video.

Today’s episode of The Young and the Restless opens with Victor [Eric Braeden] in the confessional talking to his unknown partner in crime. Victor says “Everything is ready to proceed, there have been a few minor setbacks but we are ready to go. I hope you are ready to do your part and I hope Jack Abbott [Peter Bergman] is ready!”

Over with Jack he lets Ashely tells Jack that Victor pulled the “love potion” he stole from Jabot off the market. Jack is surprised and wonders what Victor is up too.

Jack gets a call from Paul [Doug Davidson] Jack says, “Are you sure it is her? What, when….” Meanwhile Over with Phyllis, [Gina Tognoni] Kelly [Cady McClain] shows up and Phyllis is upset and asks Kelly how the hell she got in. Kelly overheard Phyllis on the phone making a hair appt. Kelly says, “So nice you have a stylist,” she lifts a knife and says, “After all it’s all in the cut!”

Over at Crimson Lights Noah [Robert Adamson] confronts Sharon [Sharon Case] about the laptop she was taking. Sharon makes up some excuse that Faith wanted some leggings so she was going online to find a store. Summer [Hunter King] noses in and says, “you could go online with your phone.” Sharon claims she didn’t know how to do that. Summer then says accusingly, “that’s Austin’s computer not Noah’s what are you up to?”

Kevin [Greg Rikaart] is with Mariah [Camryn Grimes] she has lost her phone charger and is not happy. Mariah asks Kevin if he found anything else on Austin’s laptop. Kevin replies he yes, Austin [Mathew Atkinson] was deleting interviews. He tells her that Abby [Melissa Ordway] blabbed to Stitch [Sean Carrigan] about everything . Mariah said is surprised but then thinks about and says, “asking Abby to keep a secret is like asking her to keep her hands off other people’s men? Not gonna happen.” Ha Ha

Stitch is comforting Abby (she is in his arms) and oops, in walks Victoria [Amelia Heinle] who looks surprised. Victoria says, “What am I interrupting?”

Back at Crimson Lights Sharon tells the Scooby Doo gang, she is not up to anything. Summer keeps at Sharon and asks again what Sharon is up too. Kyle [Lachlan Buchanan] jumps in and asks Sharon accusingly, what is up. Sharon is distraught and says, “NOTHING NOTHING!” Noah steps in and defends his mom, Sharon again. Summer has had it and asks Sharon, “are you really going to let Noah defend you again?” Sharon comes clean and says, “OK, fine I know what is on that laptop. I was interviewed by Austin for the documentary.”

Stitch tells Victoria she wasn’t interrupting anything. Victoria wants to know why Abby so upset? Abby’s explanation is because she has ruined everyone’s life. Abby tells Victoria she feels better with Stitch right next-door, Abby feels more secure. Victoria suggests getting private security to make Abby feel more secure. Victoria wants to tell Victor about what is happening. Stitch cuts her off and says, “NO you can’t tell Victor!”

Victor is back in the confessional saying, “This is not without risk, a wise man once said, nothing great was ever achieved without an element of danger. Kelly Andrews has done her part. Now it is your turn. Jack Abbot’s life will never be the same.”

Back will Phyllis she asks Kelly what she wants and Kelly says, “I just want to finish this. I am so sick of this dance, fighting over Jack. I just want it to end. I’m going to think of you lying on the ground calling for Jack. You are an evil monster who deserve to die!” SHE STABS PHYLLIS!!!!

Phyllis screams, “Jack!”, and she wakes up from the nightmare she was having.

Phyllis is spooked (who wouldn’t be after a nightmare like that) Phyllis hears a noise and hides, it’s Jack she tells him she had a nightmare. Jack says he has good news that Paul called and said a woman matching Kelly’s description was spotted boarding a plane to Abu Dhabi. He thinks the billionaire moustache is behind it! (Victor) Phyllis says she doesn’t believe Kelly is gone that they are trying to give her a false sense of security. Jack assures her she does not have to worry because he will protect her.Kevin asks why Mariah hates Abby – Mariah says she is not sure she hates her.

Abby just bugs the crap out of her. Abby is smart, rich, gorgeous… Kevin tells Mariah she is all those things and more. Mariah tells him if he wants to score points, help her find her phone charger. Kevin does not stop and Mariah she has something Abby does not have, “Substance! You are real and feel stuff, you care about people.” Mariah tells him not to make her out as a good person. These two are so adorable together!

Noah wonders why Sharon never told him about the interview with Austin. Sharon says she just wanted to see her part in the interview and see how it looked. Summer says, “So that is why you were trying to steal it?” Sharon claims she just wanted to borrow the computer. Kyle comments, “You wanted to erase the footage, why, what did you say to Austin.” Sharon, “well, I said things about Nick that I probably should not have. Look I should not have looked in Austin’s computer Summer, if you could just delete those files.” Summer, “The ones of you?” Sharon, “None of them mean anything anymore, the documentary is not going to be made, why hurt people needlessly.” Summer, “Please do not pretend you care about my Dad or anyone else who would have been hurt by what you said!” Sharon, “I was in a bad place when I said what I said to Austin. I spoke to Austin during the custody hearing. If you won’t do it for me, do it for Noah and Faith. I know I hurt you but I love my kids.” Noah tells Sharon to let him take care of it. Sharon leaves.

Summer is pissed but Noah Summer why she is so mad at Sharon; Sharon only wanted to look at the computer. Summer tells Noah she thinks there is more too it. Noah gets upset and tells Summer she is out of her mind, Sharon did not kill Austin. Kyle says there is obviously something more to the story and they really have to decrypt the files to find out what.

Abby and Stitch get to Jabot. The packaging came in for the perfume and everyone loves it. Ashley tells them Victor pulled the love potion he stole from the market. Abby is shocked. Ashley says she has never known Victor to walk away from a fight but she does not care.

Victoria is with Victor and she tells him she found nothing, Victor asks if she was thorough? Victoria tells Victor she knows Jabot well and there are NO vulnerabilities. Victor tells her there are always vulnerabilities and Victoria says she has checked everywhere and Jack and Jabot are in good shape. Victoria wants to know what is going on with him. She does not get it, he pulled her perfume she was going to use to re-launch Brash & Sassy and now Victor wants to take over Jabot, Victoria does not get it. Victor tells her, “the pendulum always changes, and things always have a way of changing.”

Jack tells Phyllis to relax as he rubs her feet he wants to talk about their wedding. Phyllis does not think many people want to attend her wedding. Jack tells her to forget everyone they should take the Jabot jet and go to an Island and elope. Phyllis says that is what she wants.

Mariah and Kevin are still searching for her phone charger. The two are flirting up a storm. Sharon walks in and she did not expect Mariah there. Mariah asks Sharon if she is okay, she can see Sharon is clearly upset. Kevin leaves. Mariah tells Sharon she does not have to be upset with Mariah and Kevin’s living arrangements. Mariah admits she misses talking to Sharon and Mariah hugs her. Mariah says, “I don’t miss the hugs so much!” Sharon tells Mariah she misses her. Mariah asks what is going on – Sharon says, I’VE DONE SOMETHING TERRIBLE AND SOMETHING I CANNOT UNDO!!!!”

Sharon tells Mariah she participated in Austin’s documentary. Sharon claims she did the interview because of Summer she thought maybe it would make Summer less angry with me if she supported her husband. Mariah in her sarcastic tone, “What part of your brain made you think you would score points with Summer if you slammed Nick.” Sharon, “I did not plan to do that, Austin just kept pushing me for dirt on the Newmans and because I was so angry some things slipped out.” Mariah, “What things?” Sharon, “I think I made some harsh comments about pretty much everyone in the Newman Family.” Mariah, “Comments that could be used against them and you?” Sharon, “YES!” Mariah, “Austin could have used your interview to stop any chance you had of getting Faith?

Kyle is at Austin’s computer he cannot open any of the files. Summer says they need Kevin. Noah again insists Sharon had nothing to do with Austin being killed. Noah asks if Summer is going to tell Nick. Kevin walks in and Kyle lets him know Sharon was one of the people Austin interviewed. Summer then tells Kevin Sharon tried to delete the files. Summer wants Kevin to find the file of Sharon’s interview. Noah thinks it is insane Sharon just did an interview. Summer says, “what if Sharon came up to the cabin to confront him and something went wrong.”

Victoria is still confused and concerned about what Victor is up to. She says, “Dad we are at peace in our family and you want to start things up going after Jabot” Victor, “You know your father when I see a good business, I pounce.” Victor promises not to cause trouble. (Famous last words) Victoria says, So you won’t fight Jack for Jabot. Victor replies, “I won’t have to, he will come around to my way of thinking.”

Abby thinks Ashley is fired up about the release of the love potion but Abby is having trouble getting into it. Abby is still upset because she made a mess with Summer and now she is interfering with Stitch and Victoria. Stitch tells her she has to keep quiet especially since Victor may be involved. Abby is outraged and says her Dad would never hurt her! Stitch says, “Things might have gotten out of hand.” Abby is not happy.

Ashley watches Stitch and Abby together and she looks at them suspiciously…

Sharon says she wishes she had never agreed to meet with Austin. She did not think Austin would trick her – she tried to explain to Austin how it would hurt Faith if she ever heard about what she said about Nick.

Sharon is having a flashback speaking to Austin, “I stood up for you when you needed someone – I’m asking you to do the same for me.” Austin, “Sharon I would like to help but this project is so important.” Sharon, “Please Austin, Faith is going to hear enough bad things about me when she grows up please don’t give her more.” Austin, “I’m sorry but I cannot cut the material you gave me.” Sharon, “How could you do this to me?” Austin, “I did not force you to say those things, you were more than happy to blast Nick when the camera was running.” Sharon begs him not to include them. Austin tells Sharon she is going to have to live with it.

Sharon tells Mariah she was furious she would have done anything to get him to erase the footage.

Ashley is still watching Stitch and Abby and she looks concerned. Abby tells Stitch she hates making him lie to Victoria. Stitch says they want to keep her safe. Ashley comes in – Ashley tells Abby Advertising wants to talk to her and she tells Stitch she wants to talk to him.

Ashley has a flashback when she hired Stitch and how distrustful Abby was of him at the time. Ashley starts thinking of being in the shower having sex with Stitch. Ashley then asks Stitch, “Are you sleeping with my daughter?”

Victoria is alone at Victor’s place and she picks up a file Victor was reading and says, “Dad please don’t screw things up for my family.”

Jack tells Phyllis Paul said he would let them know anything he hears but in the meantime Kelly is far away. Jack tries to calm Phyllis down and tells Phyllis Kelly would have to be crazy to come back to Genoa City. The doorbell rings….. it’s Victor, Jack asks what he wants….Jack asks if Victor can tell him where Kelly is. Victor says he has no idea why Kelly left town. Jack again asks why Victor stopped by. Victor says he has a proposal for Jack and Jack says he doubts he would be interested in any proposal Victor had to offer. Victor tells Jack he wants to buy Jabot!!!

Stitch asks Ashley if she really asked him if he was sleeping with Abby. Stitch says, “Give me some credit, I am not sleeping with Abby.” Ashley asks why he is always huddled with Abby. Ashley does not get it he use to not be able to stand Abby.

Back with the Scooby Doo gang Noah tells them it is crazy accusing his mother of killing Austin – she is not capable of murder. Summer says Sharon is crazy. Noah tells them, “Besides my Mom was with Faith and they were trying to get warm and safe after the crash.” Summer says, “Maybe she was on her way back from the cabin when she crashed her car.”

Over with Sharon and Mariah – Mariah gives her tea and scotch to calm her down. Mariah asks Sharon, “Tell me what you mean when you said you would do anything to get Austin to delete that footage.” Sharon, “I knew there was only one way to get through to him.”

FLASHBACK: Sharon with her wallet, “How much?” Austin, “You people are all the same you think everything is for sale. I’m not deleting anything no matter how much you offer!” Sharon, “Austin PLEASE!” Austin, “Okay, Look you signed a release that is legal and binding and I am not letting you out of it. Your interview is going to be the centerpiece of my documentary.” Sharon grabs him, “If you don’t do it for me, do it for Summer.” Austin, “My wife has two very powerful families looking out for her. I am doing what is best for me!” Sharon, “You selfish BASTARD!”
Sharon to Mariah, “I cannot believe he was going to throw my life away for his stupid documentary. I was so furious I could have…….” Mariah, “You could have what???” Dead silence!

Jack, “Alright Victor, suppose you tell me why you are really here.” Victor, “Well I want to make a generous offer for Jabot. I want to bring Jabot under the Newman umbrella. If we join the companies we will be a powerhouse.” Jack, “Jabot is worth today more than it ever has been. I don’t need to throw in with you and if I was looking for a partner you would be the last person I would trust.” Victor, “Should you change your mind you know where to reach me.” Jack, “I won’t” Victor, “BTW Phyllis you are looking good, I guess getting rid of those legal problems was good for you. Both of you both have a nice evening.”

After Victor leaves Phyllis, “That was incredibly weird.” Jack, “Ya…….. then he looked concerned and says, “Victor is setting me up for something, BUT WHAT????”

That is it SOSers another great Y & R episode!  After this episode is seems clear that Sharon had something to do with Austin.  The question is how far did Sharon go?  Do you think she killed Austin?  What does Victor have on Austin and who is Victor talking to in the confessional.  As always leave us comments to let us know what you are thinking. Stick with The Young and the Restless and us daily to find out what is happening!


Janette E Smith

Published by
Janette E Smith

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