‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers June 11: Joe Sets Dylan Up – Asks Paul To Arrest Avery, Lauren Tells Lily About Kiss, Phyllis Hits Joe, Dylan Chooses Sharon

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for Thursday June 11, 2015 reveal that Michael is still trying to push Cane into Lauren’s bed. Meanwhile, Lauren inadvertently tells Lily that Cane kissed her.  Avery tells Dylan that Joe abused her not only recently but in the past when they were married.  Joe tries to set Dylan up.

Thursday’s episode of Y&R opens at The Underground, Michael [Christian LeBlanc]is drinking Apple Juice and Cane [Daniel Goddard] sits with him. Cane tells Michael he is sorry he knows he saw him kissing Lauren [Tracy E. Bergman]. Michael tells him angry is not how he is feeling, “it is quite the opposite.”

At the Athletic Club Lily [ Cristal Khalil] tells Lauren that she spoke to Michael and he told her everything about Lauren and Cane. Lauren responds, “I am glad this is out in the open now because I hate not making eye contact with you over a harmless kiss.” Lily freaks, “You kissed my husband???”

Joe [Scott Elrod] asks Sharon [Sharon Case] if she saw Avery [ Jessica Collins]and Sharon tells Joe that Phyllis [Gina Tognoni] saw Avery in Dylan’s [ Steve Burton] arms at Crimson Lights. Joe wants an apology from Phyllis. Phyllis says, “Okay, Joe I am so sorry for slapping you!” Joe says, “You never slapped me.” Phyllis slaps him!

Dylan asks Avery if she is serious about leaving Genoa City. Avery says she does not have a choice and does not want more of this and points to her bruises. Dylan asks Joe about the blood and Avery tells him to leave it. Dylan asks Avery if she staged her place and planted the blood to make them think Joe hurt her. Is she framing him for her murder?

RELATED: ‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers June 10: Avery Returns, Shows Bruises To Dylan – Flack Plots To Takedown Victor – Jack Escapes, Boat Blows Up

Lauren apologies and tells Lily the kiss was nothing. Lily sarcastically mocks Lauren. Lauren assures her it will never happen again. Lily says, “Oh thanks now I can sleep tonight.” Lauren starts telling Lily she has been pushing Cane away she should not ruin something great for no reason.

Cane cannot believe that Michael is okay with the kiss Cane shared with Lauren. Michael assures him he will NOT tell Lily about the kiss. Michael talks to Cane about Lauren and then Cane says, “You want me to sleep with your wife?” Michael says, “I want my wife to be happy!”

Avery is outraged she cannot believe that Dylan is accusing her of setting up Joe. Dylan tells her people do crazy things when they are pushed to the edge. Avery makes excuses and says she cut her finger and that was the blood. Dylan tells her running is not a way to live her life. Dylan offers to help. He tells Avery they will go to the police and get a restraining order if not Joe will always be there she will be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life. Dylan says, “I know we are not together anymore but I would miss you. Please don’t go!”

Sharon cannot believe Phyllis slapped Joe. Phyllis is still freaking at Joe calling him names and tells him he should leave before someone messes up his face. She leaves.

Joe tells Sharon he cannot believe she did not do anything when she saw Avery in Dylan’s arms. He says to Sharon, “Come on Sharon you are a bad girl, don’t let him get away with this!”

Cane is freaking he cannot believe Michael wants him to sleep with Lauren. Cane asks him if he lost his mind. Cane tells Michael he loves his Lily and does not want to fool around. Michael does not believe it.

Joe tells Sharon Avery is probably planning her future with Dylan and how he can dump Sharon. Sharon keeps telling Joe she does not believe him and she is not like him. Sharon says she might have a bit of insecurity but when she lets that lead her actions it always backfires in her face.

Unbeknownst to Joe an undercover detective is watching him when Joe leaves the detective follows him.

Phyllis is thrilled Avery is fine – she hugs her. She tells Dylan Sharon told her that Avery was alive. Dylan lets Phyllis know Avery was just about to skip town. Phyllis is surprised.

Cane comes into the Athletic Club and Lily says she is surprised to see him. Lily makes some comments about how she is glad she has a husband that does not keep secrets from her. Cane says, “Michael told you.” And Lily replies, “No the tramp he is married to did. How could you do this?”

RELATED: ‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers June 9: Flack Orders Jack’s Death, Ashley Has Brain Aneurysm, Avery Is Missing-Dylan Hit Joe

Cane tells Lily it was a mistake and it will never happen again and Lauren is no threat to their marriage. Lily is not listening she is freaking and not listening. She tells Cane there was nothing innocent about that kiss. Lily stomps off and Lauren comes in.

Lauren sees Cane’s face and he asks her why she told Lily about the kiss?

Sharon is at home with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She pours two glasses of wine.

Phyllis is not pleased that Avery is leaving she thinks Avery is punishing her and she tells Avery she is acting like a coward. Phyllis tells her if she wants to slink away then she should go. Phyllis leaves and Dylan tells her she is letting Joe take her power. They embrace.

Joe walks in and says, “Isn’t this nice a little cozy reunion. Mind if I join?” Dylan tells him he crossed the line and he better not come near her. Avery accuses Joe of threatening her and getting violent. Joe says, “Is that what you told him?”

Dylan tells Joe that Avery said he hit her when they were married and Joe says, “If that is true why did she seduce me last night? Wine, music that sexy blouse. She could not keep her hands off me. I stopped it. If I did not we would have done it right then and there.” In walks the Detective and he says, “Officer Howard is there a problem here?” Dylan realizes that Joe was trying to set him up them Joe says, “Officer arrest this women”

Avery & Dylan are at the police station. Dylan is proud he did not let Joe provoke him. Joe comes out and Avery tells Paul [ Doug Davidson] that Joe is lying she never pushed him intentionally he was kissing her and she pushed him away. Paul says it sounds like a case of , “He says, She says” Dylan asks where Joe’s proof is and Joe says that is Paul’s job to find unless he wants to ignore his responsibility to the law and protect his son and his girlfriend.

Phyllis is sitting with Michael and downing the drinks she tells Michael she is upset because Avery is leaving town. Michael says he did not know and Phyllis does not buy it. Michael asks why she is leaving and Phyllis says to get away from Joe.

Lauren says Lily tricked her into telling the truth. Lily walks over and asks them if they want to embarrass her. Cane tells her he is taking a room for the night he cannot be around Lily. Lilly says, “me too, I cannot be around you!”

Phyllis tells Michael he won’t die from his prostate cancer and Michael says he is , he won’t be able to perform in bed and Phyllis says that is what you think your marriage is about? Michael says, “Lauren should not have to adapt and I made sure and unfortunately other people will be hurt in the process.”

Lauren apologizes to Cane and Cane is hopeful Lilly will come around.

Sharon is still sitting waiting for Dylan the door opens and it is Dylan he apologizes for being late. Sharon asks Dylan if he wants to sit down and talk. Sharon says she knows he was worried about Avery and he needed to find out what happened. Dylan thanks her for understanding. Sharon says it is his choice if he wants to stay with her or go back with Avery.

Phyllis comes to see Avery and asks her to stay in touch with her when she is on the road. Avery says she is going to stay she was embarrassed for being so wrong about Joe. Avery tells Phyllis that last night was not the first time Joe was violent with her. Phyllis tells her they have to make him pay before he hurts another women.

Lily is drinking and Joe comes up to her he asks if she is okay and she asks him if he thinks she is attractive.

Lauren wants to know what Michael told her and then Michael walks in and Cane leaves. Lauren wants to know what Michael told Cane. Lauren tells Michael he is causing problems with Cane and Lily too. Lauren asks him who are you these days.

Joe is sitting with Lily. Joe tells her he finds her attractive. He says, “Lily I find you very very attractive.” Lily gets up and tells him she is going home to her kids but she thanks him for the kind words.

Dylan tells Sharon he will always care about Avery but he is committed to her and he is not looking back. Sharon says she was pretty confident he was going to say that and he makes her feel safe. Sharon asks what she can do for him. Dylan tells her it has been a long day and all he needs is her.

Paul is at his office looking at the photos of Avery’s bruises. He is upset.

Phyllis says they should turn the tables on Joe. Avery says she is not stooping to Joe’s level she has to believe the restraining order is enough. Avery agreed revenge is not on the table.

That is it “The Young and the Restless” fans!  Do you think it is fair that Michael is trying to push Cane towards Lauren and ignoring the fact that he is married?  What do you think of Joe being an abuser?  Are you upset with Y&R for changing his character?  Are you surprised that Dylan decided to stand by Sharon?

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below, on our Facebook Page, or join our Facebook Group for Discussion.

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Annemarie LeBlanc

Annemarie - is a former University Professeur and the Owner/Editor of The MLRP Media Group which represents a family of 7 leading edge blogs, which together encompass the full range of entertainment, pop culture, travel, parenting and lifestyle reporting. Annemarie love Soaps and is an avid fan of General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless. She has been watching soaps for as long as she can remember.

Published by
Annemarie LeBlanc

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