‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers April 10: Avery Pushes Joe Off The Balcony, Sharon’s Fingerprints Are On The Murder Weapon, Gabe and Chelsea Grow Closer

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for April 10, 2015 predict that Kelly may well be alive and working for Victor as Jack receives prank phone calls. The Y&R episode has a new couple making love while an ex-couple goes overboard.  The most critical news of the day could land Sharon in hot water.

April 10th’s episode of Y&R opens with Sharon [Sharon Case] she hears a noise outside and looks out the window. She calls Dylan [Steve Burton] to tell him someone is outside her place and she thinks, “it is him!”

Avery [Jessica Collins] asks Dylan who is on the one, it’s Sharon he tells her it won’t take long but she needs me she thinks someone is outside her place. Avery is not pleased and warns Dylan Sharon is a bottomless pit of need. Avery does not understand why Dylan has to go help her. Just then Joe [Scott Elrod] shows up.

At the “Better Days” benefit at the Athletic Club – Brash and Sassy is a sponsor. Someone asks Victoria about HEX and Victoria [Amelia Heinle] makes a mean comment and Victor [Eric Braeden] comes in and says Jabot does not threaten him because Hex will be their last success.

Jack [Peter Bergman] and Phyllis [Gina Tognoni] are getting ready for the benefit. Jack gets a call and there is no one on the other end except static.

Chelsea [Melissa Claire Egan] is getting Connor ready to take to the doctor for his eyes and Gabe/Adam [Justin Hartley] is there he wants to know what is wrong with Connor but Chelsea tells him she is his mother and it is her business not his. Gabe/Adam responds, “It is my business.”

Chelsea tells Gabe/Adam she is going to the doctor and this has nothing to do with him. Gabe/Adam sees she is afraid and he wants to help her. Chelsea says, “Connor has conjunctivitis the doctor gave him drops but it is not clearing up so he thinks he could have a cornea infection.” The doctor is afraid that Connor’s body is rejecting the implant. Once Gabe/Adam hears that he tells Chelsea HE IS GOING with her and driving her to the hospital!

Victoria, Jack and Nikki [Melody Thomas Scott] toast Jack’s success and the fact it won’t happen again for a long time. Nikki makes some sarcastic remarks.

Nikki is still mad at Victor but he tells her he has to take care of her because before she knows it Neil’s [Kristoff St John] lawyer will shift the blame of the accident from Neil to her.

Summer [Hunter King] and Kyle [Lachlan Buchanan] show up at the benefit Summer does not want to talk about their problems she just wants to cheer on Avery and forget about everything!

Victor asks Summer if Kyle talked her into coming but Summer says no… Everyone asks Summer if there are developments in the case and Summer and Kyle avoid the question.

Joe asks Dylan is he is coming to the benefit? Dylan tells Joe he will be a little late but he is going to be there when Avery needs him. Joe asks, “What about when Avery wants you?” Dylan leaves and Joe offers to escort Avery. Avery tells him she can manage to walk by herself.

Sharon has the Fireplace poker…. and goes to the door Paul is there and he tells her to put the poker down. Sharon tells Paul she is a little on edge. Sharon wants to know if Paul has news about the case. Paul tells her no just questions. Paul asks Sharon for a cup of coffee.

Phyllis tells Summer she did not expect to see her there and she is brave. Jack starts talking about the investigation and Kyle tells him they are not discussing the investigation at the benefit.

Nikki feels bad for Summer and Noah. Victor tells Nikki he told Paul he would help find the monster and Jack sarcastically says, “Gee your are on a regular crime solving spree aren’t you? Not just this terrible case but also the corporate hacking of Newman enterprises. I see a new career there for you Victor.”

Victor agrees – Victor tells Jack he is sure they will find the hacker but if they joined forces they could do it faster. Ashley [Eileen Davidson] pipes in that it boggles her mind Victor wants to work with them. Jack tells Victor they will be civil but to say they are friends is a bit far fetched.

Victor leaves and Jack asks Nikki what Victor is up too… She tells him once we know it will be too late to do about it.

Cane [Daniel Goddard] tells Lauren [Tracy E. Bregman] she looks beautiful. He has a business proposal for Lauren and leaves to get a drink. Lauren thinks Michael [Christian Le Blanc] looks pale but he says he is okay. Michael tells Lauren to go find Cane and find out what he wants.

Paul [Doug Davidson] is making small talk about everything that has happened with Sharon. Paul asks Sharon if she was with Dylan during the murders – Sharon agrees Dylan has been a good friend to her. Paul asks Sharon why she went to see Dylan and did not go to the park for the wedding? Sharon asks Paul if she was a suspect. Then she says, “I know you saw the video. I did not want the video to be seen, I love my daughter and Nick can be spiteful but that does not mean I killed anyone!.” Dylan walks in and says, “WOAH WOAH!”

Joe is making a nice speech about Avery calling her a super hero. Joe presents her with the first ever – “Better Days Award.”

Gabe/Adam tells Chelsea Connor is a lucky kid and everyone is going to be okay. The doctor comes in to take Connor for the exam and the doctor does not want Chelsea to go in for the exam. Gabe/Adam threatens the doctor and convinces him to let Chelsea in. Chelsea is grateful to Gabe/Adam.

Avery makes her acceptance speech – she is honored to accept the award.

Dylan confirms to Paul he was with Sharon and Paul says police have to confirm facts. He thanks Sharon for the coffee and leaves.

Sharon tells Dylan Paul will check everything. Dylan tells her not to worry he was with her but Sharon is afraid Faith will tell the truth.

Kyle tells Jack Avery was great but he wants to leave. Jack wants him to stay and shake hands. Kyle tells him that is not his responsibility, his responsibility is to get Summer home safely. Kyle leaves to get Summer.

Jack gets a call and again there is static and no one – he hangs up.

Ashley asks Victor to explain to her how he spent his life hating Jack and now he wants to work with Jack. Victor explains to Ashley Jack’s success is not Jack’s but Ashley’s success because she is a brilliant chemist. Victor tells Ashley Jack does not appreciate her and Jack wants Kyle to take over and not Ashley because she is not really and Abbott! Ashley is furious and thinks Victor is trying to cause trouble between her and Jack. She asks Victor if he is really that threatened because she is an Abbot – she wants to know if Victor is going to expose her?

Victor comments he might buy Jabot and Jack comes over and says the answer is NO now and NO forever

Jack is sure Victor is responsible for the hack of Jabot – Jack is worried because Victor always comes from 3 angles and he is waiting for the other shoe to drop

Chelsea comes out and the exam is finished the doctor does not have a diagnosis yet. Chelsea thanks Gabe/Adam for getting her in to be with Connor during the exam. She tells Gabe/Adam, “I know you read a lot about my husband but it seemed in that moment you were channeling Adam.”

Chelsea then comments that it is funny Gabe/Adam knew about the cornea transplant – Gabe/Adam claims he researched her.

The doctor comes over and tells Chelsea and Gabe/Adam, “the tissue is healthy and there are no signs of rejection. He tells Chelsea to keep using the drugs on Connor and it should cure it. Chelsea hugs Gabe/Adam and says, “Connor is going to be okay!”

Cane comes over to Lauren and Michael – Cane tells Lauren he wants to join her team at Fenmores. Lauren is shocked. Cane says he made a mistake taking second place at Chancellor, add to that he cannot work with Colin. Cane tells Lauren he can bring a lot to the table. Michael suggests Lauren take Cane up on his offer – he thinks he is the right fit. Lauren says OKAY!

Joe comes to Michael and asks if he saw Avery – he has great news!

Meanwhile, Avery is on the phone hearing the lab has the results – she calls Dylan. Dylan apologizes for not being there yet she tells him to go to her office the lab results are in and they will be on her desk. Dylan agrees to go.

Joe tells Avery he has great news he just heard from Constance Bingham’s attorney – Gabriel Bingham and Sage are getting a divorce so he does not get her inheritance – all the money is being released to the “Better Days Foundation.” Joe asks Avery to come to his suite to toast the news, she agrees. She is very excited!

Michael watches Cane and Lauren together. Michael walks over and tells them he has a new client who got arrested, he asks Cane to take Lauren home.

Phyllis is happy she and Jack are getting ready to go to a tropic island to get married. The phone rings – it is static again and no one there. Jack says it is getting on his nerves.

Victor tells Nikki to go along to the car he forgot something on the bar.

Avery and Joe are in his room drinking champagne – Joe is thrilled Avery is making him seem like a good man. Avery tells him he is dong what a good man does. He tells Avery she changed him and she continues to change him for the better and he does not know how to thank her. He leans over and kisses her and she does not push him away.

Gabe/Adam and Chelsea are at the apartment. Chelsea thanks him for taking her to the hospital. Chelsea says she can tell at least he really does care about Connor. The phone rings it is Billy. She tells Billy what is happening with Connor. Gabe/Adam leaves while she is on the phone without saying goodbye.

Jack tells Ashley and Phyllis he has had 3 missed calls that day. Ashley says it is probably Victor and Jack and Phyllis should just go get married. Jack tells Ashley when he gets back from his wedding he wants to talk to Ashley about the CEO position.

Victor calls someone and says,” have you been making calls to Jack Abbott. You stop it or I will end it before it starts.”

Summer and Kyle are looking at the last pics of Courtney. Summer tells Kyle she is sorry dragging him into her misery. Summer looks at Kyle and says she never sees him as her brother when she looks at him. They start making out. Seems Summer has forgotten Austin.

Dylan and Sharon are at Avery’s office. Dylan opens the envelope with the test results – Sharon wants to know what they found on the tire Iron. Dylan says, “Austin’s blood and your fingerprints.”

Joe and Avery are kissing up a storm on the balcony. Avery pulls away and Joe says he cannot pretend it is not happening and Avery knows it too. Joe tells Avery they owe it to themselves to make it work. They start kissing again and then Avery says, “I cannot!” she pushes him and he goes flying off the balcony.

So Y&R fans are you happy to find out that Connor is going to be okay.  I thought Connor’s illness would be a segue-way into bring Adam back but it looks like that won’t be the case.  Do you think Joe will be hurt from falling over the balcony? Will Avery’s guilt push her back into Joe’s arms for good?

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below, on our Facebook Page, or join our Facebook Group for Discussion.

If you want to see if your favourite Y&R actor or actress got a Daytime Emmy nomination – head over to our nifty post, RIGHT HERE for the full list!

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Janette E Smith

Published by
Janette E Smith

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