“The Young and the Restless” actress Hunter King who plays Summer Newman on the popular Daytime Soap is celebrating a birthday today. (October 20, 2015) In celebration of her birthday we decided to compose 10 things you need to know about Hunter.
Enjoy the list and make sure to head over to twitter, RIGHT HERE and wish Hunter a very Happy Birthday!
- Hunter was born October 20, 1993.
- Hunter has two sisters Joey King and Kelli King.
- At a young age, Hunter acted in theater in Agoura Hills, California.
- Hunter enjoys playing guitar, she also writes songs and sings.
- Hunter did advanced gymnastics, but had to stop due to her injuries.
- Hunter began her acting career by guest starring in a few series, including Roswell and Hanna Montana.
- She starred as Adriana Masters in the Nick at Nite drama Hollywood Heights.
- Hunter has appeared as a guest model, on two episodes of The price is Right.
- Hunter won a Daytime Emmy award for outstanding young actress in 2014 and 2015.
- In 2014, she was cast in A Girl Like Her, it was originally named The Bully Chronicles, as the main antagonist Avery Keller.
Happy Birthday Hunter!
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Annemarie LeBlancAnnemarie - is a former University Professeur and the Owner/Editor of The MLRP Media Group which represents a family of 7 leading edge blogs, which together encompass the full range of entertainment, pop culture, travel, parenting and lifestyle reporting. Annemarie love Soaps and is an avid fan of General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless. She has been watching soaps for as long as she can remember.