“General Hospital” star Roger Howarth who plays Franco Baldwin on the popular Daytime Soap is celebrating a birthday today. (September 13 2015) In celebration of his birthday we decided to compose 10 things you need to know about Roger.
Enjoy the list and make sure to head over to twitter, and wish him #RogerHowarth a very Happy Birthday!
- Roger was on Dawson Creek and portrayed Professor Gregory Hetson from 2002-2003.
- Roger is married too Cari Stahler and they have 2 children, a son and a daughter.
- At the age of seven Roger appeared in his first play, “The Grand Duke.”
- Roger played soccer with the Puma Shoes U.S. National Soccer Team.
- Roger did not want to be a actor, he studied Political Science but dropped out of George Washington University and joined an acting program at Eugene O’Neill Theatre.
- During a nationwide talent search, in 1992, Roger was first discovered and was cast for the role of “Kent Winslow” on Loving.
- Roger’s former “Guiding Light” co-star Jesse Martin, is his son’s godfather.
- Roger earned a Daytime Emmy Award in 1994 for his portrayal of Todd Manning on “One Life To Live.”
- Roger appeared on the CW show The Flash as Mason Bridge.
- Roger went to school with television host Rikki Lake.
Happy Birthday Roger!
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Annemarie LeBlancAnnemarie - is a former University Professeur and the Owner/Editor of The MLRP Media Group which represents a family of 7 leading edge blogs, which together encompass the full range of entertainment, pop culture, travel, parenting and lifestyle reporting. Annemarie love Soaps and is an avid fan of General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless. She has been watching soaps for as long as she can remember.