Judy Blye Wilson made an unexpected announcement on her personal Facebook page on Friday July 1. ‘The Young And The Restless’ casting director announced that she had left her post and quit the daytime drama. Wilson explained that she wasn’t retiring for good, the director stated, “I am not retiring, just stopping to catch my breath.”
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Judy Blye Wilson is well respected among the daytime community, she has been working on soap operas since the 1980’s. Wilson has a lengthy resume, which includes time on hit shows like ‘One Life To Live,’ ‘All My Children,’ and ‘Ryan’s Hope.’ Judy began her stint on the CBS soap ‘The Young And The Restless’ in 2011.
So, what does Judy’s exit mean for ‘Y&R‘ fans. Well, Judy was the one behind all of the casting, and selection of actors to play the characters that the writers introduced. Fans could see a major change in the faces coming in to Genoa City. Judy definitely had a certain style when it came to casting decisions.
Wilson did not go in to detail on Facebook, but general consensus among ‘Y&R’ fans is that her decision to leave had something to do with Jill Farren Phelps’ recent firing. Does that mean there will be more major changes to the cast and crew to come? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check Soap Opera Spy daily for all of your ‘Y&R’ spoilers and news.
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