“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for July 1, 2015 reveal that after Nikki admits Victor was at the Park with Jack Paul got a search warrant and went to Victor’s office. After Victoria opened Victor’s safe for Paul he found a gun inside. Meanwhile Gabriel continues to pressure Victor to make him CEO of Newman Jabot.
The Y&R Wednesday July 1, 2015 episode opens with Phyllis [Gina Tognoni] talking to Jack [Peter Bergman] who is still in a coma. Phyllis notices Jack isn’t wearing a wedding ring. Phyllis says, “You left with your ring this morning, what happened?”
Over at The Underground Noah [Robert Adamson] hears someone coming in and he says, “We’re closed!” Marisa [Sophia Pernas] stumbles in, weak and dirty and collapses in Noah’s arms.
Billy [Burgess Jenkins] & Victoria [Amelia Heinle] are at Crimson Lights. Billy tells Victoria he knows she is lying.
At the hospital Paul [Doug Davidson] , Victor [Eric Braeden], Nikki [Melody Thomas Scott] and Neil [Kristoff St John] are there. Nikki told Paul Victor was in park. Phyllis shows up and overhears Paul and Nikki talking – she starts to flip out when she hears Nikki telling Paul Victor was in the park.
At Crimson Lights Billy and Victoria are talking and Billy tells Victoria that Victor does not deserve her loyalty. Billy admits to Victoria they framed Victor. She stares at Billy in shock.
Billy warns Victoria if she is lying for Victor she will be in big trouble. Billy asks Victoria what will happen to the children if they find out she is lying for Victor.
Gabe [Justin Hartley] is at Chelsea’s [ Melissa Clair Egan] place and he tells her the embezzling charges against Victor have been dropped. It seems Ashley [ Eileen Davidson] told Paul there was computer glitch.
Gabe tells Chelsea the embezzlement charges have been dropped but now Victor is up for attempted murder.
At Police station Paul asks Victor if he was there when Nikki received a call from jack. Victor’s Lawyer tells him not to answer. Victor ignores him and says, “Yes i was there!” Victor admits he went to see Jack.
Noah gives Marisa a towel and he gets her a cup of coffee. Marisa is upset and shaking. She tells Noah he has kind eyes. Noah responds, “I bet u tell that to all of the guys who give u coffee after hours.”
Noah and Marisa exchange names and he asks what happened to her. Noah tells her he wants to call an ambulance but Marisa begs him not too she just wants Noah to help her.
Gabe tells Chelsea that Jack has been shot and he is in a coma. Chelsea says, “I can’t believe the merger came to this. Victor tried to shoot Jack?Gabe responds, “We can’t be too sure yet I don’t see Victor as a murderer.”
Victor tells Paul that he met Jack for business. Victor claims that Jack called Nikki about promoting Gabriel and he wasn’t comfortable with the idea so he went to speak to Jack rather than have Nikki go.
Paul asks, “You were not happy with that?” Victor says, “he turned out to be more valuable than I thought.” Paul Victor if he owns any guns? Victor responds, “Paul how long have you known me. What reason would I have for wanting Jack Abbott dead?” Victor then reminds Paul that he recently saved Jack’s life in the underground Collapse. Victor says, “Why would I save him to put a bullet in him?”
Paul tells Victor, “We received an anonymous caller about a shooting in the park. We will find that person and I will have all of the answers we need.”
Marissa tells Noah that her and her boyfriend had a crazy night of drinking and they go into a terrible fight. She tells Noah she just needs a place to stay for the night.Noah offers to stay on couch in the office. Marisa looks at him and asks him how much. Noah says, “No, no I don’t want anything it’s just a couch.” Marisa says, “You are an American boy u have never known what it is to go without.”
At the hospital Nikki is sitting and Phyllis is pacing. Billy and Victoria run in and asks how Jack is doing.
Paul asks Jack what happened. Jack says Victor shot me he points to Gabriel and says, “you were there too!” Jack points his finger at Gabriel and says you are Adam Newman! Gabe wakes up it was a dream!
Victoria is yelling at asking why Nikki told Paul Victor went to the park to see Jack. Nikki tells Victoria she is telling the truth the truth unlike her. Nikki tells Victoria she has worked too hard to stay sober. Lying for Victor is not the sign of a loving relationship it’s a sign of a sick relationship. Victoria says I talked to Dad he explained what happened. Nikki tells Victoria she needs to come forward and confess what she knows.
Paul calls Victoria he wants to see her.
Billy is talking to Phyllis he tells her how hard it has been lately to disagree with Jack. Billy feels Jack hasn’t been himself. Phyllis says, “Is that why you went along with the plan. Your hate for Victor?” Billy agrees his hate for Victor clouded his judgment.
Phyllis tells Billy Jack hasn’t been himself she has also seen it. She has noticed he has forgotten there inside jokes and the things they shared.
But Phyllis tells Billy that today all of a sudden he was himself and it was the first time in a long time.
Phyllis asks Billy if he knows where did Jack’s ring went it was on him when he left the house in the morning and now it is not in his personal belongings.
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The Doctor asks Phyllis what Jack’s directives are, if he had a living will. The Doctor explains by law they need to know if he has any specific directives. Phyllis responds she is living proof that you can be in a coma and come out of it. The doctor tells her they must abide by what Jack wants.
Chelsea runs into the hospital and tells Billy she has to talk to him. Billy explains to Chelsea that Victor shot Jack and Victoria is covering for him.
Chelsea tells Billy she is sorry he is going through this and Billy tells her he thinks they pushed Victor too far on the embezzlement thing and should have listened to Ashley .
Paul is at Victor’s office with a search warrant. Victoria looks at the warrant and passes it back to Paul.
Paul tells Nikki she does not have to stay it has been a long night but Nikki tells him she wants to stay for Victoria. Victoria tells her to go home but Nikki stays.
Gabriel is at Chancellor Park and he tells Victor it was a smart move shutting all the cameras off.
Victor replies, “Well he threatened my family. I thought he was reaching for a gun.” Gabriel says, “So now my father is laying in the hospital dying!” Victor asks where Gabriel’s concern for his dying father was at the time he was shot?
Back to Noah he is telling Marisa it is safer on the couch than in the streets. Marisa tells Noah he is nice. Noah tells her to call her boyfriend and tell him she is okay. Noah tells her that her boyfriend made a mistake; people make mistakes when they drink. Noah tells her if it was his girlfriend he would want to know.
Marisa asks about Noah’s girlfriend and he tells her she died. Marisa apologizes.
Chelsea & Billy go to see Jack and Phyllis is there bolding Jack’s hand. Phyllis says, “if you are here to offer Victor a new alibi please leave.” Chelsea says, “Victor may be my sons grandfather but Jack has always helped my son and he gave me a career I would never protect anyone who was responsible for this!” Phyllis hugs her. Phyllis is sobbing she tells Chelsea the Doctor asked if Jack had a living will.
Phyllis talks to a comatose Jack. Phyllis says, “we didn’t go through this just to lose each other this way!”
Victor angrily says to Gabriel, “I’m not going to defend myself to the likes of you, we had a deal!” Gabriel says, “Nikki shot down your alibi. You are backed into a corner. You are in trouble Victor you need me!” Victor smiles and says, “Don’t threaten me! Are you going to keep your mouth shut?” Gabriel says, “Thats up to you!”
Gabriel says, “Victor it is in your right to appoint an interim CEO and you can appoint me!”
At Victor’s office Paul is getting the computer and Victoria says that’s everything! Paul says, “No there is a safe, open it up please” Victoria complies, opens the safe. Paul shines a flashlight in and pulls out a gun!
Nikki gets up and asks Victoria if she knew Victor had the gun in the safe. Victoria claims she did not know. Paul says, “Victoria you were intentionally misleading me about your father’s alibi!”
At the hospital Phyllis is looking at Jack and both Billy and Chelsea are there. Billy tells Phyllis the Doctor is just following the law but Jack will pull through. Phyllis says, “I will not give up. Open your eyes Jack come back to me!”
At Victor’s office Victoria apologizes to Paul for lying about Victors alibi. Victoria explains that after the embezzlement Billy admitted to setting Victor up and she could not bear to have Victor go through anything else.
Paul asks Victoria if Victor told her anything else. Victoria tells Paul to asks Victor. Paul says he did and he leaves.
Nikki tells Victoria that Victor may be proud of her but she is not.
Victor and Gabriel are still at the Park. Gabriel tells Victor the CEO clock is ticking. Victor tells him he honors his commitments. He warns Gabriel he better live by the same standards. Gabriel asks, “Or what?” Victor walks away. Gabriel smiles and looks down, his phone rings.
It is Marisa on the phone and she says, “Somebody knows the truth!” Gabriel asks who it is and Marisa says, “Marco won’t be a problem anymore!” Marisa then she says, “I can be your biggest ally or your worst enemy, the choice is up to you.” Gabriel says, “We need to meet!” Marissa says, “We will eventually!” Marisa hangs up…Gabriel says, “hello,” looking at phone.
That is it “The Young and the Restless” fans! Do you think the gun that Paul found in Victor’s safe is the gun that was used to shoot Jack? Do you think Marco is dead? Is Gabriel going to find out that Marisa is a worst enemy than Marco?
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